Damn my stupidity for not having a quarantine tank.
The electric blue cichlid with the 'cloud eye' has died, fish has lost its color, and has a gray color to it.
Another electric blue's top fin is gray toward the back but is otherwise acting normal. I suspect that will change.
The third electric blue has a strange crusty substance around its lower lip/mouth and is lethargic, hiding - just like the one with the eye had.
Obviously the fish were hiding something and the stress of taking them home caused the breakout to occur.
No more Petco for me, that's for sure.
I'm treating the tank with Malafix, which I've heard is good. I hope this doesn't spread, I've got 7 lovely tiger barbs and 3 beautiful paradise gourami...
There is some nitrate build-up in the tank, but it's moderate - not high. Ammonia and nitrite are nil. Water is 7.8ph and is relatively hard.
x( :mad: :grr:
Must be karma, I shouldn't have been tempted by their pretty blue color in the first place. :cry: