But it was on a moderated message list on Yahoogroups, where even if I'd unsubbed quietly and gone my merry way, the moderators of the list -- both of whom are personal friends, and neither of whom was the main problem when I did it -- would have asked me about it until I explained, then posted the explanation to the list anyway if they felt it was relevant. I learned about the Yahoo 'Internet only' option that way, but since then I just let the messages pile up in my inbox for that list and go back after a couple of weeks -- nobody notices, and I don't have to be embarrassed by having shown my ass on the way out the door.
Many of the veterans on DU who do this are people who miss the old days, when there were only a few hundred people posting regularly and they were the 'big fish in a little pond,' and when there was a feeling of a big, squabbling, somewhat dysfunctional but ultimately cohesive family about DU*. If they'd simply stopped posting a year and a half ago, somebody would have noticed. Now, there are so many people here posting so frequently, their exits will be lost in the shuffle, and they know that -- and they don't like it. They feel they have a lot of time and effort invested in the dialogue here, and they want attention when they leave. While I agree with Allen that it makes me uneasy when somebody does it, I understand why they feel compelled. It makes sense emotionally (and from a social dynamic perspective) for them to do it, whether I like it or not.
There are human beings on the other side of all the words we throw at this place. Some of them take changes in DU more personally than others do. With at least a thousand regular posters, you get all kinds of people -- some of them are bound to take things that happen here more personally than others. Sometimes, not only are the people who post 'goodbye, cruel message board' posts an annoyance to those who don't take it so personally -- sometimes they're also in pain. Pain of one kind or another is usually the reason for 'I'm leaving' threads. I think it's natural that their pain makes everybody else uneasy, and I think that's why some of us take issue with those messages. That's my take on it, anyway.
*I'll be perfectly honest -- I actually like it that it's different now. I lurked for ages, and only started posting when the total number of people exceeded about 20,000 because suddenly, I could jump into a thread and not be ignored. When a wide enough variety of opinions and outlooks is expressed on every subject, more people can contribute, including me!