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Am I the only one disgusted by the recent Reagan hagiography?

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FloridaJudy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-03 09:06 PM
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Am I the only one disgusted by the recent Reagan hagiography?
I have had it up to HERE with Ron and Nancy!

Sure, I feel sorry for them. Ron is a vegetable, and Nancy is a frail Little Old Lady caring for her dying husband. I wouldn't wish Alsheimer's Disease on my worst enemy. I've also seen what happens to most of us poor slobs who DON'T have the kind of medical coverage Ron and Nancy have, trying our best to care for senile relatives.

This couple is unbelievably lucky, compared to the rest of us doing our best to care for a dying relative. Ron and Nancy don't have to worry about medical bills; the taxpayers are picking up the expenses. She also can count on respite care, should she choose to indulge on a shopping spree to escape from drudgery of caring for her dying husband.

I also refuse to buy into the myth that Ronnie was a nice guy.

I had the experience of confronting Reagan back in the sixties, when he was Governor of California, and I was a starry-eyed idealist. A number of us opposed to the Viet-Nam War took a bus to Sacramento, and politely asked for an audience. We simply wanted the right to protest peacefully.

He came out, surrounded by a phalanx of secret service, and condemned us as Communists. The moment the cameras were turned off, he flipped us the bird, and said "Fuck you hippies!", and ordered the cops to beat and arrest us.

Reagan was NOT a nice guy! He was a mean-spirited reactionary. I was there. I observed his outrageous behaviour up close and personal.

Why this arrogant SOB deserves America's respect baffles me.
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Kathy in Cambridge Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-03 09:12 PM
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1. It's truly sickening
he's become this American icon...the '80s were a mess, but Jr. has far outdone Reagan, unfortunately.
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Skittles Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-03 09:30 PM
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2. the republicans have that arrogant f***wit walking on water
he was garbage.
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jobycom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-03 09:30 PM
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3. I have the same reaction. Some of the hagiography creeps into here
I've seen posts on DU that admire Nancy, and claim Reagan wasn't as bad as Bush. Despicable that his image has been cleansed that thoroughly. He was a mean, racist, lying, treasonous bastard, and I've often wondered if he faked Alzheimers to avoid prison. Probably not, but I still have trouble feeling any sympathy for the piece of trash. If I were a fundie, I'd say that God is punishing him with poetic justice, considering the number of times he said "I don't remember" while testifying about Iran-Contra.

But we liberals are supposed to be nicer than them, and not think such things.
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