Things to do instead of "it"
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Wed Dec-17-03 08:21 AM
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Things to do instead of "it" |
From Guideposts for Teens via Fark: Put together a puzzle with 1,000 pieces. Play hide-and-seek in a cornfield. Play Twister. Take your grandparents out for dinner at a fast food restaurant. Play on swing sets in a park. Head to Wal-Mart to try on shoes—in styles you’d never buy. Get dressed up really nice and go to McDonald’s. Help each other clean out your closets. Buy a disposable camera and take funny pictures of each other.
Some of these seem like they could backfire, like the Twister. And the closets. And the taking "funny" pictures.
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Wed Dec-17-03 08:22 AM
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1. Yeah, that'll keep your mind off sex |
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Wed Dec-17-03 09:27 AM
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9. Well, I could see how it would. |
If my date suggested any of those activities, I'd immediately start looking elsewhere.
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Wed Dec-17-03 08:24 AM
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2. These damned teen fornicators should be studying. |
They need to make hay while the sun is shining.
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Wed Dec-17-03 08:26 AM
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3. Welcome, my friends, to Ashcroftonia! |
Where up is down, black is white, and eating McNuggets in your tighty whiteys compares favorably to orgasm.
Please take off your shoes, we just had the rugs cleaned.
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Wed Dec-17-03 08:27 AM
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4. Not to mention playing hide-and-seek in a cornfield. |
Especially in winter and when you live miles from any cornfields, LMAO.
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Wed Dec-17-03 08:28 AM
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Playing hide-and-seek got me in lots of trouble back in the day.
Bonhomme Richard
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Wed Dec-17-03 08:28 AM
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6. First place I had sex was.... |
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Wed Dec-17-03 08:57 AM
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You know, kids ought to be taught that oral sex is a great way not to get pregnant...
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Wed Dec-17-03 09:00 AM
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:45 AM
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