On a site called othertimelines.com, I have been writing my own timeline, where Ralph Nader does not run for President in 2000.
Gore Beats Bush 52%-48% in the general election.
2001: The 9/11 attacks still happen and we go to war with Afghanistan, ousting the Taliban regime.
2002: The U.S. Troops capture Osama Bin Laden.
2003: President Al Gore enters negotiations with North Korea. Things are tricky with that, eventually he enlists China's help.
12/1/2003-1/15/2004: The U.S. and China go to War with North Korea, mostly an air campaign to destroy nuclear facilities. A resistance movement starts taking on the government of North Korea, Kim Jong Ill is assassinated, these forces gain control of the government and call a cease fire.
2004: Hostilities officially over, the Nuclear weapons, that are not destroyed during the attacks are confiscated. The economy remains strong, including the Job Market, despite 9/11 and the 2001 recession (which was inevitable). President Gore announces the beginning of alternative fuels programs. His popularity being high, he faces a rematch against Bush. The result being that Bush only won Texas, with the rest of the nation going to Gore.
2005: Just before Gore's second inaguration, Lieberman decides to step down as of inaguration day due to differences of opinion with Gore (probably because Gore did a populist campign this time). Gore Taps Vermont Governer Howard Dean for Vice President.
This is what I have so far. Part of this is due to my vivid imagination and that I did not want to make it too idealistic. What do you think?