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Man, what a f*cked-up night. (Classic "Minnesota Nice" story)

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SmileyBoy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-03 10:15 AM
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Man, what a f*cked-up night. (Classic "Minnesota Nice" story)
Edited on Wed Dec-17-03 10:16 AM by northwest
Last night SUCKED THE BIG ONE. Here's what happened:

I was driving to the Twin Cities from Fargo to my parent's house for Christmas Break, when early in drive, about 18 miles southwest of the F-M metro area, my radio, lights, and the battery and electrical systems in my car died. Thank God it was a clear night and the roads were decent, but it was cold as a witches tit out there. I pulled over to the shoulder with my 4-way flashers as my car was basically dying on me and called 911 instead of AAA, because I couldn't find my membership card.:grr::grr::grr:

After over an hour and a half of waiting by the side of the road just outside of Barnesville, Minnesota and freezing my tukus off, and a nice state trooper coming by to see if I was OK (and calling the tow truck again to see if they were coming), the truck finally came. But when he was about to tow my car back to Fargo, he wanted to get paid his $110 right away, and I explained to him that I only had 10 dollars on me. I told him I'd have to get the other $100 from an ATM machine.

So, displaying that good 'ol Minnesota Nice, and seeing that I was in REAL distress, he was OK about it and drove me back to Fargo anyway. He was OK about stopping at an ATM to get my cash so I could pay him. He even drove me to the front of my dorm where I could get all the stuff out of my car that I packed, and I informed him of which garage to take it to.

Lucky for me that my car is at the garage now (they're saying I might need a new alternator and battery), and hopefully they'll have the car fixed by this evening. I forked out $110 on the tow service last night, so my parents were OK with paying for the auto repairs. I kept in touch with them the whole night.

So, here I am back at my dorm, waiting for my car to be fixed. I felt SOOOOO fucked up after that ordeal, I just plopped straight into bed after that and slept for five hours. If there's any good that came out of this, it's that my sleep cycle seems to have been gotten back to normal for the most part.

But there's one more problem: I need money for bus fare for the ride over to the garage, and I took out the limit of $100 from the ATM early this morning. I gave the tow truck guy all my money, and I basically don't have access to any money for the next 15 hours.

Things will work out in the end, though. I'm sure of it.:eyes::eyes::eyes:
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SmileyBoy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-03 10:30 AM
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1. Kick
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dweller Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-03 10:53 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Try calling the garage
if they have to test drive your vehicle, they might come pick you up in the process, especially if they want their $$.

at least you weren't stuck out in the boonies all nite in the cold.
good luck with your travels home for the holidays, sounds like you need the break!

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