7-Eleven re-enters pornography business
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Wed Dec-17-03 07:13 PM
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7-Eleven re-enters pornography business |
Character Assassin
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Wed Dec-17-03 07:14 PM
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1. No they haven't. They're selling one issue of Playboy. Big whoop. |
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Wed Dec-17-03 07:18 PM
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Wed Dec-17-03 07:20 PM
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is Playboy even considered pornography these days?
OMG! Titties! Won't SOMEBODY think of the children?!
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Wed Dec-17-03 07:27 PM
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4. Anybody hear Scarborough's rant |
Edited on Wed Dec-17-03 07:28 PM by louis-t
the other day about the Abercrombe and Fitch ad with naked teens. He called it 'photos of orgies'. I saw the photos, and don't think I even saw any of them touching each other. How does that become an 'orgy'? Edited my sloppy spelling.
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Wed Dec-17-03 08:16 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
11. one of his aides was found dead in his office |
he was divorced and declined to run for re-election. AF catalogs are the least of his problems
Systematic Chaos
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Wed Dec-17-03 07:28 PM
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5. I don't know about in general... but here in "Sin City" |
they've been selling shrink-wrapped multiple-issue packages of various hardcore magazines for around $10 for at least the last couple of years. Not only that, but one store (Lake Mead Blvd. and Las Vegas Blvd. in North Las Vegas) had porn videos for sale behind the counter.
I'd imagine standards are a bit tighter in most other places, but with 7-11 being a national chain I find it interesting that stores in other areas allegedly didn't have porn while the ones here in Vegas pretty much always have.
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Wed Dec-17-03 07:30 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. Did they have old ladies |
protesting in front of the 7-11s in Vegas? They did here in Michigan.
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Wed Dec-17-03 07:34 PM
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7. Playboy is pornography? |
Hasn't Playboy gotten to a point where the bulk of the magazine is articles and the photos take up a small percentage of its space?
I'm assuming this group also protests that 7-11 sells liquor in some locations?
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Wed Dec-17-03 07:38 PM
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8. they used to be my supplier |
back in 1968. I'd have to sneak down and get my fix on Sunday mornings. I wonder if my folks knew???
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Wed Dec-17-03 07:51 PM
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Edited on Wed Dec-17-03 07:52 PM by Jonte_1979
I loved him in "Bangin with Mr Cooper" and "Polish pole-polishers - part VI". I'm glad that he has decided to come out of retirement.
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Wed Dec-17-03 08:09 PM
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10. The obscene thing about Playboy |
is that it costs as much as a new shirt, and is about 80% advertisements. I'll never buy another one, because they are such a ripoff. But they sure as hell aren't pornography.
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Wed Dec-17-03 08:22 PM
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12. Allright, fuck I've been waiting and waiting for this to happen, finally.. |
I love porn with my slurpee!
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Wed Dec-17-03 08:29 PM
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13. I can personally vouch that this article is bullshit |
The 7-Eleven I was working in sold all sorts of magazines as late as '91.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:12 AM
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