I don't like to tell anyone what to do, but the administration may have overlooked certain critical evidence to make an airtight case on Iraqi WMDs! I mean, if you wanted to mass produce some weapons grade microbes the best place to hide them would be right out in the open right? Well it may be too late now, but I think Saddam might have hidden those little critters in his beard and hair, just waiting for the right moment to catch the world off guard! You just never know what a truly Evil Doer might try! Who can say what might be growing down that spidey hole, but if I was looking for WMDs I'd leave no stone unturned!
I gotta' go restock the old fallout shelter for the holidays! My Duck Tape stock has really paid off big this year, so I can afford to go to town! I hope it's not just another bubble in the market, but every time St. Dick upgrades the alert to code red that Duct Tape stock really shoots to the top!