Heat seeker missile fight? AWACS assisted intercept?
There are many different scenarios that we could pit both of these aircrafts in... The Raptor is suppossedly designed as a "detect first, shoot first, kill first" aircraft. The idea is to never allow the enemy to get a shot off in the first place... :eyes: IMHO, that sounds kind of cowardly but then again, the US military has been shooting at third and fourth world military powers for the past...what?...50 years?
If I state that the Eurofighter beats the Raptor...I'll get some Raptorheads in here busting my chops... If I claim that the Raptor wins hands down...I'll get the reciprocal treatment from the Typhoon diehards.
Personally...these types of speculations will be put to the test when the two aircraft engage in REAL combat against one another.