Mr. Nownow and I have a small tri-level in a quiet suburban neighborhood. We heard what sounded like a sotto voce argument one night, while we were getting ready for bed. It was a man's voice, and it was adamant, but quiet. It sounded like it was coming through the heat/AC vent on the floor in our upstairs bathroom. Now, this was in the summer, and we had all the windows closed; the air conditioner was running. It didn't sound like anybody was yelling, though, so we didn't think the sound came through the closed (double-glazed, by the way) windows.
We had several theories, none of which we've been able to prove because it never happened again. One was that somehow, as someone has stated already on this thread, something in the room was behaving as some kind of a radio repeater -- we have an FM station less than half a mile from us, so it is possible that what we mistook for arguing was the sound of a DJ pontificating, and the signal was 'exciting' something in the bathroom for some reason. Also possible that one of our clock-radios may have picked up a CB or other radio transmission for a few seconds. Used to happen to me all the time when I was younger, still living with my parents -- even a 'turned off' radio or stereo will pick up CB transmissions, if the radio is near enough and sending a strong enough signal.
Another theory was that one of our computers, which are in the family room (we have a split-level; the family room is more or less directly under the bathroom), responded with a voice prompt to a mail receipt -- I use a Space Ghost sample to tell me I have mail, and we're on cable modem, so it responds any time the mail program checks the server. It's possible that more than one of my mail accounts may have received mail at once, and the *.wav file playing repeatedly sounded like someone having an argument.
Those were the likeliest answers we could come up with. We don't have an exhaust vent in our bathroom, so it wasn't just us overhearing somebody walking past outside. We have at least one appliance in every room that has some kind of speaker on it or other, though, seems like -- and I remember how well they conducted citizens' band broadcasts back when everybody and his dog had a CB radio. I don't know what other broadcast bands can induce sound from a quiet radio, but maybe there are others, if the signal is strong enough. I'd guess a baby monitor, electric radio or anything else that plugs into the wall could be induced that way.
The radios/record players/whatever appliances made the CB-induced noises didn't even have to be turned on, by the way -- just plugged into the wall. I remember the first time it happened, I darned near swallowed my tongue, it woke me from a sound sleep -- a man's voice, not my father's, shouting out in my bedroom in the middle of the night. I thought the jig was up.