I suspect he booked O'Reilly to counter his recent rants that the Late Night shows (specifically his and Letterman) are "liberal cesspools"...or whatever paprika he spews these days. I'm certain there's no way Letterman would have him on again after the almost libelous rants again Franken when he was on (Franken & Dave are old, old NBC friends), so Conan decided to give it a try.
Conan's very saavy and you could see from the outset that he was trying to differentiate his show...comedy and satire and O'Reilly's and other "news" shows. He said that "I know I can speak for other hosts (Letterman) that all we're here for is comedy" (paraphrased)...and to deflect O'Reilly before he got into his "liberal cesspool" jag. O'Reilly, being the fool and egomaniac he is, went right for his spin without even a bat of the eye...Conan picked up on it and reacted magnificently.
This is where the masterbating bear bit came in and Conan started to mock O'Reilly's contention about his show being liberal and trying to see if he could lighten things up. O'Reilly then lost the audience when he made some crack about them being young and gullible (Conan's eyes rolled) and somehow these liberal guests were sending some subliminal messages by appearing on these shows. Conan has one of the most intelligent and wise audiences around, they all but hissed at the guy and you could see an uncomfort really build.
The kicker for me was at the end, Conan couldn't wait to get O'Reilly off, saying how great it was to have him on and they should do it again (an old Carson "kiss of death" curse on a guest...they rarely came back for years) and then quickly flashed the book at the camera (you couldn't read the title) and then whisked it off to the side.
The fake camaraderie at the end was obvious, and again, O'Reilly proved he can make an ass out of himself and then claim he was the victim. I honestly think this was a blown opportunity for this moron to reach an audience in a positive way and came off as someone's wicked old uncle.
Somehow I sense Mr. O is starting to lose it...his obsession with his book sales, the goofy mornic feuds with Franken, Moore and others (who eat him alive) and now the spat with Drudge seem to get more bizarre by the day. This guy appears manic to me and heading for a massive Rush-style meltdown someday soon. And for that, I'll be tuned in.