Worst excuse for dumping Pluto as a planet?
Bossy Monkey
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Mon Sep-04-06 03:25 PM
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Poll question: Worst excuse for dumping Pluto as a planet? |
Seriously, it was the bit about its orbit crossing Neptune's. Um, fellas, how do you know Neptune's orbit isn't crossing Pluto's? Let's ditch Neptune as well!:)
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Mon Sep-04-06 03:27 PM
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1. I knew immediately Tom Cruise was involved. |
I believe L. Ron Hubbard lives on Pluto.
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Mon Sep-04-06 03:34 PM
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2. Makes it easier for commercial ventures to "rape the solar system." nt |
Recovered Repug
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Mon Sep-04-06 05:27 PM
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3. Other. Solar system downsized and your planet has moved to |
Bossy Monkey
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Mon Sep-04-06 10:40 PM
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7. Welcome to DU! (months late, but still) n/t |
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Mon Sep-04-06 05:39 PM
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4. I had to dump Pluto... we were moving in different directions |
daughter's suggested alternative answer: I had to "dump" Pluto. If I "dumped" Neptune I'd have to get stiches.
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Mon Sep-04-06 06:04 PM
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5. "Pluto, it's not you, it's me" |
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Mon Sep-04-06 06:13 PM
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The moral decay caused by Clinton getting a hummer degraded Pluto's orbit. It's all the fault of the Clenis.
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Mon Sep-04-06 11:25 PM
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8. If Pluto had oil it'd still be a planet. |
It's always about the oil.
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Mon Sep-04-06 11:30 PM
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9. The simple answer is: Pluto ain't in the Bible. |
Therefore, it doesn't exist. :)
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Mon Sep-04-06 11:32 PM
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10. I'm going with Gustav Holst on this one. |
The fade-out on "Neptune, the Mystic" simply screams: 'Last planet, last planet, last planet...'
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:58 PM
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