Sept. 11, 2006 issue - You might think that Tom Cruise doesn't have a single fan left, but you would be wrong. We found one. Her name is Rosie O'Donnell. Rosie may not be the last person who still loves Cruise—Katie Holmes? his mother?—but she's probably the only one who blames America's favorite talk-show host for starting his troubles. "I saw him doing the couch jumping," says Rosie while nursing a beer at a Manhattan restaurant. "I wasn't mad at him. I was mad at Oprah. Oprah, couldn't you have said, 'Tommy, come here! Don't jump'." Rosie says that if Cruise had lost it on her show, she'd have sat him down and retaped the segment. Of course Rosie has been swooning over "my Tommy" for years. But why stand up for Cruise now that he seems, well, crazy? "For me, to love someone is not to get rid of them when they do something you don't think is appropriate," O'Donnell says. "I love him, and love is eternal."