Edited on Sat Dec-20-03 02:29 PM by TahitiNut
... and I accepted, along with a handful of others. He's got this very nice house and he's having this ongoing Open House for people in his community who share his civic values and egalitarian principles. He has pictures of some well-known people on the walls and has borne some expense in providing entertainment, food, and beverages for his guests. He's not rich, but the house is somewhat costly and it takes a lot of his time to maintain it. (Some folks have chipped in to help pay for the food and beverages.)
Some of his guests get into food fights ... and we help clean up the mess. Some of his guests get drunk and abusive ... so we help them to the door and into a cab. Some people arrive with spraycans of paint and we help keep them out so they don't ruin the furniture, deface the walls, and scare the children. It's not an easy job, but he trusts us to help out ... and we get to occasionally relax and just be guests too. We figure it's the least we can do if we want to see others have "Open Houses" and share the views and community-imrovement goals with which we agree -- when we're not teasing him in private.
What continues to surprise me is how some of the other guests complain about the free food, the pictures on the wall, the simple request that they wipe their feet on the welcome mat before coming in, the simple request that they use the bathroom rather than the closet or the potted plants, the simple request that they treat other guests with respect rather than insult their taste in clothes and hairstyles, the simple request that they not get drunk and disorderly or throw up on the rug, and the efforts of those of us (merely other guests helping out) to remind them of these requests.
I guess we must live in an incredibly abundant Universe if we can just throw away such a nice chance to mingle in clean surroundings and demean people like my host. Maybe we're spoiled. Maybe that's what it takes to make a world. :shrug: