The show is an uproariously funny farce and is definitely a ensemble piece where Jack, Janet, Chrissy, and both Ropers made the best cast and should all have been paid the same because they all pulled their weight. When the Ropers left, quality dropped. When Chrissy was humiliated and then fired by ABC (who decided from day 1 that Jack was THE star and nobody else mattered as much), the show plummeted, proving Suzanne Sommers was right in contesting her worth.
Jack, the clumsy guy who pretends to be gay so he can live with two unmarried girls.
Janet, the sensible girl.
Chrissy, the loveable dizzy ditz.
Mr. Roper, the loveable basketcase who doesn't really realize what he says or does.
Mrs. Roper, his wife - supportive of Jack and depressed that she doesn't get relations from her hubby.
Mr. Furley, the wacky weirdo.
Did you hate the show, find it offensive?
I think Mr. Roper is the funniest, followed by Chrissy. I've never found Mr Roper to be much of a homophobe, he just liked to make fun of people he never understood. If he were a homophobe, he would have harassed Jack more, get him evicted, and do other nasty things. I don't see why characters written today can't be so wonderfully zany, even if the GLAAD would get annoyed. :eyes: (the show is a send-up, let it be outrageous, good grief!) Having a Roper-type character is what "Will & Grace" could use, too...