good job bringing the whole thing up man. it's the most important issue in the world, no matter what anybody thinks. it's not a matter of what you believe, it's a matter of absolute truth. and the absolute truth is that Jesus Christ is the only way to go. unless you want to burn forever in hell. but that's your decision, and if you really want eternal torture, than i don't think you guys should even be in college. college is for education, not screwing up your entire life on earth and after. more props to the starter of this."
Grant Kadansky, WHAT REALLY MATTERS IN LIFE! (it's about God y'all) <2006-Sep-07>Huh??? :crazy:
"I have personality never understood the importance of teaching science in school since most of it is man made lies to try and disprove Christianity. Always remember that the Holly Bible is the only book ever written that you don’t have to question."
Blessall, BibleForums.org <2006-Sep-06>Personality (sic), people like you scare the bejeezus out of me.
"How could man have been given dominion over all the animals if he himself is an animal? It is impossible. Therefore man cannot be and is not an animal."
AIC, aliveinchrist.us <2006-Sep-06>Another product of Fundie home-schooling. :dunce:
"so you think if no one believed in any religion there would be no wars or fighting? i think it would be worse. i know if i didn't fear god's judgement i would have killed many many times."
cajunXLVII, GameFAQs <2006-Sep-06>So because you're an evil f*ck the entire world should be saddled with your twisted religion? :eyes:
Atheists have the freedom to not believe, but they do not have a right to do so. Only truth has rights. Big difference."
TyroneTHardball451, Baptist Watch <2006-Sep-05>Go eff yourself. You have the right to do that.
Satan loves homosexuals.. And will usually set them up with good careers in something Satan is in control of i.e.. Entertainment.. any form of the Media.. Satan wants them to grow.. The more homosexuals there are the more souls Satan gets to join in a Furnace of Fire.."
unknown, youaregoingtohell.com <2006-Sep-05>I work in Human Services helping disabled people. Is Satan in control of that?
"Bizzare preacher lady wants to give you a Holy Spirit emema."
Suzanne Harthern, Youtube <2006-Sep-04>Stay the h*ll away from my butt.
"On the surface I would love homosexuality to be OUTLAWED. Personally I GREATLY dislike homosexuality, I dislike even more the way its become accepted now. I even further dislike the way the gay crowd constantly push themselves on society, they aren't exactly the quietest bunch, in particular the way they challenge marriage, etc. I have often thought in my own little head - "where are the terrorists when you need them":. I know thats not a very deeply thought through statement but its the gut feeling I have towards homosexuality. I wouldn't weep much over a terrorist attack on a Mardi Gras or on some other major homosexual convention or something."
brett, Fulfilled Prophecy Forums <2006-Sep-04>The gay crowd constantly pushes themselves on society----kind of like Fundie Christians?
They aren't the quietest bunch? They're a heck of a lot quieter than the Fundies. :eyes:
You want a terrorist attack on Mardi Gras? Are you aware that MG is a predominantly
straight event?
What a misinformed, hateful SOB. :puke:
"Common sense dictates that the Bible was tampered with, changed, rephrased, added to, taken from, etc.
The holy spirit tells me that it is all true."
alorian, Panheads <2006-Sep-04>My cat tells me you're a farking idiot.
"Jesus said that faith can move a mountain and it surely can. If God gives us the faith that we won't get sick if we drink a pint of hemlock, then we won't get sick, period."
Carico, CARM <2006-Sep-01>Yeah, you try that and get back to me, m'kay. :dunce:
"Guess who the malicious computer hackers or crackers are who break into
government and two out of three company computers - who produce
computer viruses and Trojans, denial of service attacks against
Internet Service Providers and who send hate mail, spam and E-mail
bombs. You got it! Its mostly atheists.
Malicious atheist hackers costs the america's citizens billions of
dollars in taxes for computer security. It is said that american
companies spent almost $6.3 billion on computer security in 1997 and
the market is expected to grow to 13 billion by 2000. In September
1998, atheistic hackers struck their own atheistic ally, the New York
Who do atheists have to protect their own computers from? Guess who!
When it comes to computer crimes, its never difficult to identify the
people who commit them. ATHEISTS and other non believers!"
JewsDidWTC, alt.atheism <2006-Sep-01>You actually believe that, don't you? Paranoid much? :rofl: