Craigslist is the new street corner for hookers.
Ladies of the night are posting ads on the free classified Web site just like others sell old furniture or collectibles. All you need is “ro$e$” to “buy'' their offerings.
A craigslist spokeswoman said the site can't and won't police the site and relies on consumers to complain about each ad. But Bensalem police investigators, who this week busted 12 suspected prostitutes advertising on the site, were blown away when they first found ads like those posted by “Bensalem Beauty” and the “Oral Specialist.”
One poster in August claimed she was stopping in Langhorne for the day and was looking for “donations of 300 for a visit.” She was only available until 4:15 p.m. that day, though, she said. Another poster calls herself a “quick afternoon snack” for “100 roses.”
Bensalem's Special Investigations Unit was tipped off in August about prostitutes advertising on the site. One undercover officer said when he started surfing the site, he was amazed at how blatant the ads are and how detailed the sex acts listed are. And many prostitutes' ads include nude photos or even short videos of themselves in action, something prostitutes posing as escorts can't do in the Yellow Pages.
Investigators scrolled the hundreds of erotic listings and called the cell phone numbers at the bottom of the ads offering “GFEs” — girlfriend experiences — for “ro$e$” or “125 donations” and agreed to meet the women at motels on Lincoln Highway.
The undercover investigator said normally an escort will take a few minutes to determine whether they are talking to a cop before offering a sex act or setting a price. But not the women on craigslist whom he said walked into the motel room, made a deal and never even questioned if he was a cop. Almost all of the 12 women were arrested within two minutes, he said.
Prostitutes, though, weren't the only ones police were after in their sting operation that started Tuesday and ended Thursday afternoon. They also targeted alleged drug dealers who the suspected prostitutes sent to “buyers.''