I remember a long cover story last year in either Time or Newsweek about the second film in the series. They speculated that much of the success of the first film was due to it coming so soon after 9/11 and that its theme of "good versus evil" was in tune with the revived sense of "moral clarity" coming from the White House.
They also praised Sam's "there is some good in the world, and it's worth fighting for" speech as "one of the high points" in the second episode, after observing that "it sounds like something George W. Bush would say."
BTW, I don't get the "Roman Catholic versus Islam" theory mentioned earlier. Although Tolkien was a devout Roman Catholic, if we are talking about the original books, the conflict was pretty obviously symbolic of the Allies versus the Nazis in WWII, while any modern interpretation that would equate Mordor with Islam would no doubt draw a parallel between the "forces of good" in Tolkien and "Western Civilization" nowadays.