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What are your family members politics like

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JohnKleeb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 11:44 AM
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What are your family members politics like
My mom seems to be centrist but is outraged at the current situation, my dad is too outraged at it all but is more left, my brothers lol we dont know yet but my brother doesnt like Bush, and my other brother, the 2 year old says eat my shoe, I would like to have him say that to Tucker Carlson. My grandparents on my mom side seem to be a little more conservative than your average dem on the social issues but are liberals on economic issues, and I know my dad's folks were dems because my grandfather would fight with my uncle, and my dad said he worked at the NLRB to help the little guy against the big guy. I never knew the man, and me and my nana never talked politics because she had forgotten much by the time I got interested. My family is very democratic, and the older folks tend to be religious Catholics, my dad I found out is Agnostic. I am a little more religious than my parents. So whats your family's politics like? I got mostly dems I know, I had a cousin who was a republican judge in Houston though, his brother I think is a republican too, and my uncle who was once married to my dad's oldest sister is one too, my dad was telling me last night, that he was saying "name me one thing Bush has done wrong", I wish I could have been there, but it was a party for my 40 year old cousin, and I was plannign to go out last night. Sorry for the rant :).
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GOPisEvil Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 11:50 AM
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1. Mom is a flaming liberal who encouraged me to learn for myself.
Dad is a veteran, who is slightly more right than my mom, but still a solid Democrat. For the longest time he refused to vote because Nixon beat Hubert Humphrey. But he votes again. They made sure we were there to greet President Carter when he flew into the Air Base we were living on.

No political fights in my house, except for agruing over who dislikes * the most. :7
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eyesroll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 11:53 AM
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2. My dad's a Democrat
Undecided for the primary, ABB in the general.
He was a registered Republican for awhile, not because he believed in the GOP, but because he wanted to be able to vote for a friend in a primary.

My mom is pretty apolitical. She doesn't get outraged at anything, much less politics. She is also super-secret about her votes -- I know she voted Anderson in 1980, but I have no idea of her votes since then. (She does vote every time, though, and wears the "I voted" sticker proudly each election day.)
My maternal grandparents are gone, and they never talked politics with me, either. I suspect my grandfather would have been a Democrat.

My dad's side used to be all Democrats. My uncle changed his registration and ran as a republican for local office (thinking it was the only way to get elected in his town), but repented and changed back (he lost). My grandmother was the one who impressed on me the fact that we don't vote for Republicans, when I drew a very pretty "Reagan/Bush '84" poster for my 4th-grade art class.

As for religion, I don't think that's had too much impact on my family's politics, except for the historical tendency of Jews to vote Democratic. My family on both sides is Jewish. My dad doesn't practice (he became disolusioned with the synagogue after his sister died, and they offered support in the form of asking him to contribute $ to a memorial brick in her name). My mom attends high-holiday services on the Internet.
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Zuni Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 11:55 AM
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3. well
my mother comes from a Russian emigre family---- a hardcore anti-Soviet tradition. Would have made reagan look like a moderate anti-communist. Generally they are libertarian conservatives now.
My dad grew up in a working class Democrat family, all FDR supporters. My dad was (he passed away) a conservative democrat. I followed my dad who was a huge fan of FDR and Truman and JFK and he got me into democratic politics.

My family in general is not very political except for my mother. But even her side of the family's politically active days are pretty much over now that the Soviet Union is gone.
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mdmc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 12:13 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. My folks are liberal Republicans
they used to be democrats, but fell out in the 80's. My Mom's side are intellectual liberals, my Dad's side are Catholic Democrats. My cousins are all left of me. My sister and brother in law are both Democrats.
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silverlib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 12:20 PM
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5. Long line of democrats
great grandfather - secretary to the Secretary of State
uncle - first white officer in the local NAACP in East Texas in the '60s.
one grown daughter - staunch Democrat.
one grown daughter - staunch Republican - (so sad)
one daughter - 14 years old and undecided. (please pray)
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neebob Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 12:28 PM
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6. My mother's fully Hannitized
Don't get me started.
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nuxvomica Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 12:29 PM
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7. My parents are FDR Democrats
My mom and dad are undecided but my sisters and I support Gephardt. My brother is apolitical but I think he'd like Carter to run again. Most of my cousins are apolitical but my father's brother's clan, who I haven't seen in years, are Republican. And we have distant cousins in Sicily that are Communists.
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JohnKleeb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 12:31 PM
Response to Reply #7
9. Sound like my grandparents
big FDR democrats and my grandfather likes Gephardt too. Communists eh? I had relatives in Slovenia fight with Communists in WWII, we're not sure if they were. I think a good choice for an FDR dem would be Gephardt or Kucinich being these people are usuaully very pro labor.
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nuxvomica Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 12:58 PM
Response to Reply #9
13. Jeesh, Kleeb, you know a lot about your ancestors
Edited on Sun Dec-21-03 01:09 PM by nuxvomica
I'm embarrassed that I don't know more about mine. Two tidbits: my maternal grandfather may have belonged to the Klan. At least he was buddies with the local "dragon", but that all changed when he met my maternal grandma, who was a French-Canadian girl. He converted to Catholicism for her. His brother-in-law was a spy for the Kaiser in World War I but became an American citizen after the war and lived a respectful and productive live.
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JohnKleeb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 01:10 PM
Response to Reply #13
16. Not really
I know a little. I want to know more. My paternal grandfather had a brother who was friends with a Klansman supposely, now of course they wouldnt let him in, he was a Catholic and "inferior" heh not a WASP. My maternal grandmother is somehow related to an Iwo Jima flagraiser. I know a little I guess, family history is interesting.
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LWolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 12:31 PM
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8. All 3 of them:
My mom is a Clinton democrat.

My oldest son (26) is an independent leftist.

My youngest son (24)is an anarchist.

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HEyHEY Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 12:34 PM
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10. Dad would be considered a democrat in the US
But he tends to lean right wing up here....truthfully I think he's a closet Liberal. Because he'll vote CA and then piss and moan about racists and bigots and how the working poor can't get a fair shake. :shrug: beats me.

Mom - One of them lefty racists...yes my mother is a big racist..not the kind that would freak out if I brought home an ethnic girl, because I've done that and she didn't care...but she says things sometimes that I just can't believe.
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Iverson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 12:41 PM
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11. left of center, right of my wife and me
They have mostly good instincts and are terrified of speaking up. They know that fascism can't be beaten by whispering at home, but they're afraid to take the logical next step. All we can do is love 'em to pieces and set a good example.
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Lindsey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 01:03 PM
Response to Reply #11
15. I'm pretty lucky
My sis (she's Pearl here on DU)is, of course, a true Democrat. She's the one who got me into all of this and was telling me in 1998 what was really happening with Clinton and why (way before "Blinded by the Right" came out). I remember reading it and thinking, she told me these things years ago. She's is a wealth of information on who did what and when. If I have a question, I call her and it's like going to a library! We talk many times a week (we live in different states) and update each other. Sometimes, when it's too depressing, we talk about other things to sustain our sanity. Our other sister's a democrat but it too sick to really get into stuff. She is able to vote. We have a great cousin who is also a Dem. Our brother used to work for Enron and lost almost EVERYTHING. He used to be a Republican (a Bush supporter) and now, he's seen the light and has become quite the liberal (from what my sis says since he and I don't chat a lot). He also has gotten into Gandhi stuff, he's taking trips to Sedona, he's REALLY changed. One nephew is 20 and not really into politics and the other nephew who's 28 is the most liberal - he's technically a green but will vote dem if the election's close. He's currently not speaking to his mother, my brother's ex-wife, because she's a total right winger and he says he "just can handle it." I've never seen the country so divided where families actually don't speak to each other due to politics but I hear it's happening all over. I have other friends (we're all pretty liberal and, being a lesbian, I have many gay and lesbian friends) who either aren't speaking to family members or get into major fights about it. My one friend told his mom (who's a repub but doesn't really know what's going on) that she might as well "stab him in the back" (her only child) if she votes repub. We sure live in a strange time. One I never expected to see.
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RebelOne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 12:56 PM
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12. My mother was a Democrat or at least I think she was.
Because she voted for Kennedy. My sisters, I'm not sure about, though I know one of them voted for what's his name Periot (sp). My son, I think, likes Bush (he has turned into a redneck since he moved to Georgia). And I have threatened my daughter with death if she votes for Bush.
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populistmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 12:58 PM
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14. Mom's a centrist Democrat, my Dad's very left of center
Edited on Sun Dec-21-03 12:59 PM by populistmom
He's voted Green many times (but we live in a solid blue state) and is one of the smartest people I know. He instilled in me my passions about this stuff (along with my cynicism as well howwever). My mom's a definate Democrat, but is more centrist and easily swayed at times. Her parents were definately Freeperish, whereas my Dad's were Dixiecrat bigots who in later life mended their ways to be solid Democrats when Bill Clinton was elected.
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Philostopher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 01:13 PM
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17. My family -- all lefties of some kind or other.
Here's how we fall out:

My late father was a labor unionist and a Truman Dem. He saw no point 'sweating the petty things,' which is to say arguing the fine points of liberalism with other Democrats -- they were all okay with him, at least to the point of being better than most Republicans.

Dad was very outspoken about how racist and classist Reagan's fiscal policies were, though he and my Mom, in all honesty, were somewhat socially conservative. It wasn't that they were 'hung up,' or thought that being socially liberal was going to cause the apocalypse, but they were religious, and didn't trust the sexual revolution, and made sure we were aware that they didn't, though they knew that once we were grown and on our own there was nothing they could do to control our behavior.

I think probably my dad would have liked either Kerry or Gephardt in this race -- Gephardt because he usually had organized labor on his side, and was as good to them as the situation allowed over the years; Kerry because my pop hadn't been able to resist a high-profile, up-east liberal since the Kennedy brothers were assassinated. He voted for Clinton, but wasn't fond of him, not because he thought he was loose morally but because he thought Clinton was too fiscally conservative.

Mom -- I think she likes Clark, but she isn't saying much. She knows my brother and I have chosen candidates other than Clark, and that she'd probably have to argue it if she actually said anytying, and she hates arguing politics. I know she'll vote in the primaries, and I suspect it'll probably be Clark or Kerry.

My brother and I are the farthest left in the family, since we've both decided, by living in the world (both in our late 30s, so it's not like our parents really have any effect on how we vote, at our age), that our parents largely were right about the fiscal stuff, and besides that, we're both much more liberal, in many ways, about the social -- and less likely to make distinctions between the two things, since I think we both feel like the cultural and fiscal aspects of liberalism affect each other so strongly, and that fiscal conservatism is a way of making judgments on the social -- I don't think either of us thinks you can separate the two that way. My brother likes Edwards. I'm holding out for Dean. We both wish the world were such that we could be wholeheartedly for Kucinich, but we don't think it's there right now.

My sister thought Zell Miller ought to run for the Democratic nomination, but that was before he went around tooting his cracked horn for the BFEE. She said it once, last summer, but I haven't heard his name out of her mouth again -- at the time, I think I said (politely), well, if I wanted to vote for a Republican I'd just vote for one. If she can be arsed to vote, she'll vote straight-ticket Democrat, but she's the most conservative of all of us -- much more conservative than either my mother or my late father, and by my brother's and my standards, a Repub. She liked Clinton more than any of the rest of us, but reputedly she didn't vote in 2000 because she didn't like Al Gore for one reason or another.
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sasquatch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 01:22 PM
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18. Both sets of Grandparents are Dems:My Parents are Republicans
Both of my paternal grandparents are FDR democrats like my Grosspapa was. My maternal grandfather is a non-voting FDR democrat, my Grandmother is a DLC democrat. My mom's a RINO, my dad's just a plain old conservitive.
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bluedeminredstate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 01:27 PM
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19. We're all over the place
My mom is a liberal/socialist who depises Bush. My Dad is an Imus-spouting repub who once voted for Kennedy and I think voted for Clinton once. He was having a love affair with the Chimp, but he's pissed off about Iraq and is looking at General Clark. He and my step-mother are in NH and I'm begging them to switch party affliliation so they can vote in the Democratic primary.
The weirdest conversion is my ex-hippy, ex-pot-smoking, Ozzy-loving, awesome 46 y.o. blue collar brother who is a repug. I'm working on him by trying to convince him that he is voting against his own best interests, but it's slow going.
My other sibs are all Dems - some of us more hardcore than others.
Then there are the repug step-sibs, one of whom used to work with her thoroughly obnoxious husband at a former repug WH. We don't discuss politics since the day JFK, Jr's plane went down and my brother-in-law delivered the news to me in a jolly, laughing fashion.
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terrya Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 01:29 PM
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20. Straight ticket Democrats. Liberal. eom
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