I was feeling a little sorry for my Betta, as he had this 20-gallon aquarium all to himself and I figured he was lonely. I got him some tankmates--five dwarf livebearers.
When I got home this afternoon, I checked the tank. I am now completely out of dwarf livebearers...because while I was checking the tank, my flying Siamese showed me the new trick she taught herself. She can fit one of those evil little white feet into the space where the heaters drop into the tank. When a fish swims into range, she slams it against the glass so she can get a claw or two into it, pulls it out and slurps it down. And it's a good thing she showed me this too...I couldn't find the other fish for the life of me. They didn't get pulled into the filter, they didn't jump out, they weren't under any of the tank decorations and bettas aren't piscivores (a piscivorous fish eats fish of other species. There are also herbivores, which eat plants; predators, which eat animals that aren't plants; and cannibals, which eat fish of their own species.) so far as I know, so he didn't eat them.
At a dollar apiece these are too expensive to be cat treats, but it's kind of a cute trick. (Well, unless you're one of the fish, that is...) I believe what I'm going to do here is buy some more small livebearers, put them in a 10-gallon tank I've got with no fish in it, let them screw until I've got quite a few, then give some to my two piscivorous fish in the 55-gallon aquarium and some to my piscivorous flying cat.