For years I belonged to a local league. We had about 6 teams at most. Players ranged in age from high school to 50's. Now I am 38, by no means an old fogy but I quit two years ago for a couple of reasons. One,I really needed to work on my thesis (I have not accomplished very much on that score in two years). Two, I got tired of people not showing up to games and having to forfeit. I am also 2 years older and I am afraid one day I will really hurt myself. Plus it may cut into my kayaking time (I enjoy going alone- being alone out on the water is idyllic for me). And there are some costs involved (registration fees, uniforms, etc). And some players are MEAN! So those are the negatives.
On the plus side, it is probably the one social activity I have ever done on a regular basis. What can I say? I enjoy solitude. So it would be a chance to see friends I don't see anymore. And it was fun. I am still in pretty good shape but I don't know if I could run for an hour. Hopefully we will have lots of subs. I used to hate leaving the field but now I think it would be okay.
I just can't make up my mind.