Tis no matter (A reflective poem about life)
The Straight Story
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Wed Sep-13-06 11:35 PM
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Tis no matter (A reflective poem about life) |
No Matter
Tis no matter where I roam Nor how I go Everywhere I have gone I look behind and see Tracks left behind Little footprints Left by me
Oh how I wonder Where they will lead Would that I could trace them Sometimes erase them The paths I have crossed Through the mud Through desert dust Like shadows of time Follow me My little footprints Left behind by me
Tis no matter I would like to believe These tiny footprints Left on earth by me I look down on one This one I sit next to that tiny print Filled with rain Dust And Mud
Tis no matter Until I see Reflections of you Shimmering back at me A parent’s smile A child laughing Lover dancing An old man comforted I watch these events As rain drips down Covering tears
Tis no matter Where these feet may land It matters only Where they have been Impressions left Upon the sands of time My tiny footprints Will still shimmer When I am gone
Tis no matter That I shall turn to dust Like a ghost they wander this earth These tiny footprints of mine I look ahead To that mountain Where I shall rest And wonder as I walk now Will I look back At these footprints of mine And smile Know in my heart That they followed a good man
Tis no matter Where I shall go Or when Someday my journey of life Will suddenly end It only matters That I can look back And smile At my footprints left Where I was And who I have been
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