5 years ago today....is seems like a it couldn't have been that long ago..
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Thu Sep-14-06 07:35 AM
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5 years ago today....is seems like a it couldn't have been that long ago.. |
I remember it so well. After the horrible events of just 3 days before I went home at lunch to grab some CD's for my weekend of golf and spirits and conversations wise and otherwise, my wife was off on a weekend with my mother including a scenic train ride through the mountains of Virginia and West Virginia when I opened the door to our apartment building... pulled my keys out of my pocket only to find .......
(cue sound of record screeching)
someone had kicked in our door and stolen our TV's both of them. Not the remotes or the VCR's mind you just the TV's nothing else was missing.
I then proceeded to sit down and wait for the most apathetic non-interested Richmond City cop you could imagine to come by and tell me there was nothing they could do, tough luck buddy probably some crackhead (in that neighborhood?) no prints nothing he just gave me a report number for insurance purposes and left.
We later used the BIG $600 tax rebate ADVANCE (thank you Dems) to by a new BIG ASS TV which we still have.
Wow did that week suck.
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