I guess, the past week's nice weather has caused my two indoor/outdoor cats to think that every day will be a nice day for them. Since about 7am, they have been crying at the deck door, then once I let them out, they go and sit on the uncovered half of the deck and cry for about 5-10 minutes before demanding to be let in again.
Once inside, they immediately demand to be let out again. I am not God. I know the weather sucks. I hate it too, but I can't change it.
Adding to this...Midnight, the Queen Bitch Overlord of her Territory (Which Means Everywhere She's Ever Set Paw On), has decided in the last few days that her lowly minions need to be reminded that they are indeed her minions. So as if the rest of the cats don't already give her a 10' radius to exist in undisturbed, she has been actively trying to attack them at random opportunities. Not a full out attack, but just randomly walking up to them, a quick set of claws across their face and then calmly walking away. One would think they'd run away in these cases, but they usually just freeze and then run away after she's clawed them...unless it's Cuddles, who responds to attacks by rolling over and laying there, relying on his thick fur and fat to protect him.
Well, Ginsberg, being a young and comparatively dumb cat, decided about twenty minutes ago that he was going to get Midnight back. He was going to beat her once and for all. After all, he's got about 4 pounds on her, about 10 years younger and he still has his fangs. Stupid Ginsberg forgot that Midnight never loses a fight. So, his brilliant plan was to leap down on her from above. This plan only worked in terms of the fact that he did land squarely on her back. It quickly fell to pieces when she somehow flipped him onto his back and let loose her fury. He's relatively unscathed, except his ear was bleeding a bit, but he won't let me go near him. It's looking like he might get a notch on his right ear to match up with the notch she gave him on his left ear.
Ginsberg's pride is obviously hurt, as he's pacing up and down the hallways with that annoyingly loud yowl, that he inherited from his Siamese father. Midnight, meanwhile is sound asleep, on top of the gecko cage (she likes the heat lamp), with tufts of white fur stuck to her claws. Cuddles is sleeping, since he's not currently eating or using the litter box and Peaches is all discombobulated, because she always wants to "mother" the male cats.
And so to recap, we have...
Midnight, victorious Queen Bitch Overlord of her Territory (Which Means Everywhere She's Ever Set Paw On) sleeping off her win.
Ginsberg, dumb boy crying in embarrassment.
Peaches, busy being a concerned mother to Ginsberg
Cuddles, busy being a furry lump.*
*This picture makes him look fatter than he really is...thank God.