Advice...part time job that pays more but that I may not be suited for...
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Thu Sep-14-06 04:53 PM
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Advice...part time job that pays more but that I may not be suited for... |
or a part time job that pays less but would likely be a better fit? What would you decide? I am a full time teacher but looking to buy a new car.
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Thu Sep-14-06 05:11 PM
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1. How about homebound instruction? |
Our district is always looking for teachers for homebound students. It pays about $20/hr. here.
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Thu Sep-14-06 05:14 PM
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2. Are you planning on making the part time job |
Edited on Thu Sep-14-06 05:38 PM by caty
permanent, or do you plan on quitting after you get enough to buy the car? Permanent?--take the job you are best fitted for. Temporary?--take the other job and bear with it until you get the money for the car.
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Thu Sep-14-06 05:32 PM
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3. It might become a more permanent part time job until perhaps... |
the end of the summer of next year. But I am not sure.
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Thu Sep-14-06 05:41 PM
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4. Part time job that you are suited for would be best in that situation. |
Or at least that I what I would do.
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Thu Dec 26th 2024, 08:40 PM
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