So here I am, sitting in my dorm room. I'm not hurting anyone- hell, I'm not even watching a violent movie or anything (mostly because Kill Bill 1 was on, edited to bits). And I think "Gee, some cookies would be great!" But they're gone. And why do you suppose that is, exactly?
I'll tell you: Ebola. Sure, it could be other scapegoats. Terrorists, gays, women, feminists, Jews, Muslims, Catholic priests, the Dark Side of the Force, uncontrolled government spending... any of these could've done it. But I think it was Ebola. In fact- I'm sure it was Ebola, because even the Evangelist preaching outside all day admits that Satan only wants my immortal soul.
But I digress: my cookies are gone, and Ebola is to blame. Something must be done about this. Perhaps some kind of cure or scientific breakthrough- relying, of course- on the wonderful Law of Evolution. (It isn't actually a Law in most places- but in the Republic of My Awesomeness, I've made it the third law enacted. It came after "No porn at the dinner table" and "Dump out the old coffee grounds in a timely manner.")
I would go far enough to say that Ebola is part of some crazy "Axis of Disease," consisting of Ebola, HIV, and Malaria. Of course, if I said that we could only choose to combat one of the viruses. And that would end badly, with thousands of our vaccines being killed of in a futile attempt to win not only the land and oil, but also the hearts and minds of the viri.
Or... I could just buy more cookies. I think the original ones were free, anyway.