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I was cleaning out my computer and look what I found: An Old Rant!!

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MrScorpio Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-03 11:46 PM
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I was cleaning out my computer and look what I found: An Old Rant!!
This is a rant I sent to Buzzflash back in April.

Our little Georgie Boy is probably beaming pride right now. Look at all he has accomplished:

- Our boys and girls in uniform are about to put the finishing kibosh on that evil Unka Saddam and his thug life crew (or may already have, from the latest reports), and once Baghdad falls, everything will be just one big mop up operation (Yeah right).

- The military disinformation machine has duped 95% of the Amurikan sheeple into believing that the sum total of the Army, Navy Air Force and Marines has thwarted a warehouse full of pesticide from raining, in the form of missiles, on the tow-headed denizens of Anytown, USA.

- Anmed Chalabi, the Iraqi version of Don Corleone, is on the ground in Iraq and is about to take his rightful place, attached to the puppet strings of Don "Geppetto" Rumsfeld. Upon seeing the guy, the smiling "liberated" Iraqi masses took a moment to hop up on their crutches and applaud his arrival with their stumps waving in the fetid air.

Zaid: "Who is this guy?"

Ackbar: "Shut up and clap, the Yanquis are looking over here."

- The signed contracts are flying like kites through the halls of power and will soon materialize in Iraqi treasure being sliced up like a double cheese pizza with pepperoni and mushrooms.

- The Democrats are silenced to the point of inconsequence. And the U.N. is so marginalized that all the translators are looking up the phrase "Oh, crap. What's the point?" in fifty different languages. (Richard Perle was last seen sneaking up behind the U.N. Charter with his handy-dandy Zippo in hand).

Yes, to George, the sugar is a-flowing and the world is his oyster. It just can't get any better than this. It's so good, in fact, that he thinks that he could hop over to No. Ireland to share the spoils with his buddy, Tony. But I say, wait a sec, before you grab that lemon juice, Shrubby Baby. There's a solid reason behind the old adage, "Be careful what you ask for, you just may get it." And it's about to come back and bite you in the ass.

Take into consideration the following incident:

On a tip, provided courtesy of a neighborhood snitch, an enterprising group of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children capture a suspected Saddam supporter and dirty Baathist, named Said Habib. Unfortunately, he happened to be a revered cleric in the tiny town of Numaniyah. The local populace, who are not too entertained by this turn of events, start crapping bricks and some declare a call for martyrdom unless he's released. The jostled jarheads get panicky (Panic plus Jarheads, um - not good) and start channelling Samuel L. Jackson in "Rules of Engagement". Eventually, before the angry, yet unarmed people are mowed down like freshly hewn hay, reason rears its much needed head and the cleric is cleared, released and was last seen riding on the shoulders of the townsfolk like he just won the Superbowl.

What does this tell us?

When Don Chalabi starts to work down his shit list, with our boys providing the muscle, we can all expect the fecal matter to start hitting the atmospheric resuscitation unit awfully quick. Need I say that the Iraqis are internationally renown for being armed to the teeth? Yep, the country is full of gun nuts and they're proud of if. No self respecting Iraqi would be caught dead without nothing less than an arsenal in his home.

Once the combat dies down, and our boys are patrolling the streets like cops on the beat, who's to say that Joe Iraqi won't flip out and go postal, then starts taking potshots at the "occupiers" who've had the bad taste to overstay their welcome? What's going to stop the Joes from multiplying? And on, and on...

Get my drift? Just a thought.

Oh yeah... What's to stop the Joes from being imported?

When Rummy accused the Syrians of helping the Iraqi war effort by sending some dreaded, ultra-lethal night vision goggles across the border, maybe he should have mentioned that there are actually busloads of happy-go-lucky extremists coming into Iraq on the same route. These happy few were sitting on their hands in Beirut and Damascus, talking about the good old days, when they were kicking Israeli booty and figured out that they do the same for Unka Saddam. Their plan? Suicide bombs and lots of 'em. When hearing about the anticipated house guests, the with ones way tickets in their hands, a U.S. counterterrorism official said, "Bring them on, let them all come to Iraq. It would be easier for us to kill them in Iraq than anyplace else.",9171,1101030414-441131,00.html

Sounds like a party, uh? I wonder who'll bring the tea and crumpets.

Its not going to hard for others from all parts of the Umma (that's Arabic for the whole of Islam) to equate the occupation of Iraq with the Israeli occupations of Lebanon and Palestine. All with visions of fireworks in their heads, I might add. Can't you just smell the C-4 and Semtex.

Now what's George going to do when our sponged up boys start coming back in sandwich bags? He has two choices, the way I see it: Crack down or crack up.

In the crack down, we'll see George hunker down and unleash an everlasting cycle of violence, replete with police raids, shootings, jailings, torturings... Well you get the picture. We'll turn into the Israelis. No good can come of this.

If George cracks up, he'll get the Invasion bug up his ass again. Throw a dart at a map of the Middle East to take your first pick of who'll be first.

The only way he can get out of this, is to high-tail it out of there when the puppets are firmly ensconced in their places, and Iraq is stamped with "Stabilized". I believe this can happen.

I'm also buying the Brooklyn Bridge.

What's in the future?

Take my word for it, we're planning to install military bases in Iraq. I don't have an inside track, but what else can he do? He's done it everywhere else in the region since 9-11. By looking at a map of the area, any yahoo can figure out that Iraq is just too juicy a centralized location to pass up. Too easy a jump off point, as a tool to emphasize to the other "regimes" of the region, the necessity of right thinking regarding oil policy, or whatever.

I could go on and on. But why bother? So I'll just lay it out with my point.

George is going put the US in such a position that, even if he's kicked out of office, succeeding presidents will have no other choice but to continue his madness. Al-Quaida and everybody else with a bone to pick and a bomb to throw will be taking out on us. Inside the Homeland and out. (Stocked up on duct tape yet?) And our boys and girls can look forward to collecting combat pay and family separation pay, in perpetuity.

George has screwed us and we're going to stay screwed for a long time. Isn't that special?

What pisses me off is that he did it too us without any lube, without the courtesy of a reach around and no freakin' kiss.

Yeah, it turns out that not only a lousy president, but he's a lousy lover as well.

A Buzzflash Reader

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nini Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 12:46 AM
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1. "but he's a lousy lover as well."
I bet most self centered psychotics are.

nice rant..
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