That's the greeting I got coming in after work. Since Mr 'pede and the doggie were both accounted for, neither were sporting any bandages and there weren't any invoices from repair people on the DR table, I thought it safe to ask : Okay, what happened? Turns out a cat fell down the next door neighbor's chimney. The fireplace is bricked up so the cat couldn't escape into her house. She called a couple of guys to deal with the situation. Mr 'pede says they worked two hours (after borrowing his heavy duty lantern/flashlight thingy) to get a lasso around the cat's neck. They hauled the apparently unharmed cat out of the chimney whereupon it went ape and fell off the roof. Still seemingly unhurt the guys (one of which was referred to as "Nick-Not-Known-For-His-Compassion") took said kitty away in a cage. Neighbor was almost in tears. Cats :eyes:
Cat lovers will find me here.......:hide: