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Mondays 'IN' The Undergroundrailroad (Holiday Edition) December 22, 2003

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 10:49 AM
Original message
Mondays 'IN' The Undergroundrailroad (Holiday Edition) December 22, 2003
Mondays 'IN' The Undergroundrailroad (Holiday Edition) for December 22, 2003

Mondays 'IN' The Undergroundrailroad

Happy Holidays and welcome to Mondays 'IN' The Undergroundrailroad. Well, how does this Monday find you? Need to wind down for a bit? Not to worry. WhatEVER your mood, I'm here to provide you with a comfy seat in my Monday home away from home and jump-start your holiday week ahead.

Our dessert today is an old fashioned GINGER BREAD HOUSE. I love the charm of this holiday tradition and the smell of ginger bread baking in my oven is one of my childhood memories. Close your eyes for a moment and think of that aroma! So just break off a piece and enjoy!

Speaking of memories, sometimes a holiday memory is worth MORE than money. How does one place "value" on a precious moment in time that can never be taken away, no matter what?

MINA, Age 9

Dear Santa Claus:

I want more than anything in the world a PATTI PLAY PAL DOLL. Please forgive me for the homework I did not do (only twice) and lied about it. But other than that, I have been very obdient daughter. So please, please, PRETTY PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, a Patti Play Pal Doll Santa.

Yes, "Santa" left the the Patti Play Pal Doll and it was a Christmas morning that was perfect for me. I remember just STARING at that doll for one straight hour. It was a beautiful memory I will never forget.


I want you to travel with me, back in time, to the Southern Coast of America notably Wilmington, Edenton and Hillsboro, North Carolina. Slavery was a way of life at this time along the coasts of Carolina. It's Christmas eve and Black children are looking forward to Christmas morning and the celebration of Johnkankus. Johnkankus was a very festive event that paid tribute to an ancient African chief from what is now Ghana. Costumed dancers and singers performed to the beat of drums. Small gifts were exchanged and there was special foods and drink. In celebrating the Johnkankus, the slaves were continuing an African folkway, *and* also, creating one of the first African-American traditions in this country. It is a tradition that has lasted in various locations for two hundred and seventy-six years.

It was an early indication that African-Americans had their own ideas about the holidays. Progressive ideas. How about this for a "protest song" during Johnkankus that ends with a "sting":

Poor Massa so de say
Down in the heel
So de say
God Almighty bress you
so de say


Christmas comes but once a year
Ho rang du rango
Everyone should have a share
Ho rang du rango

More progressive ideas connected with Johnkankus! The celebration was distinctive for its unusual costumes all made out of rags and tatters, found objects and recycled materials. The Jonkonnu members (dancers) wore masks that were wildly original made from whatever odds and ends the slaves could find. The African-American slaves were some of the first environmentalist creating the entire festival from garbage and genius. Instruments for the celebration were made from animal bones, sticks, reeds, cows' horns and triangles.

Even for enslaved black children, it was a season of hope and love. It was the roots of an African-American Christmas and the beginning of progressive roots, black roots, that I'm proud to be a part of.

Happy Johnkankus Everybody

Hattie McDaniels with Vivien Leigh in GONE WITH THE WIND

Hattie McDaniels at the Oscars

The Extraordinary Life of Hattie McDaniels

Around Christmas, I always pull out several of my favorite DVDs. One of those favorites is GONE WITH THE WIND. I just adore the movie and each time I watch it I find something new that I didn't notice before. Who can forget that memorable scene with Hattie McDaniels as "Mammy" assisting Vivian Leigh, Scarlett, with lacing her corset! For better or for worse, Hattie McDaniels is best remembered for her Oscar winning role as "Mammy". She remains one of the most celebrated black actresses of all time. But there was pain in the life of Hattie McDaniels who was continually distressed by the criticisms and protests ignited by the "mammy" roles that she played so well for most of her life. There were few roles available to black actors in the 1930s and 1940s. The NAACP undertook to protest such images, and Hattie did not attend the Atlanta premiere of GWTW, due to the city's overt racism. She was an anxious activist., for instance, organizing against racial segregation in her own Los Angeles neighborhood. When a group of white neighbors tried to enforce a so-called "restrictive covenant," she rallied her black neighbors, they took the case all the way to the Supreme Court, and they won! Picketers demonstrated against GWTW previews in Chicago, New York, and the Academy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles. Hattie's role was cited repeatedly as the major offense (the protest signs shown included one reading, "No Mo Mammy!". Most of the time, however, Hattie McDaniel had to put up with indignities in order to work. Responding to criticism of her choices, Hattie would echo this sentiment, famously saying, "I'd rather play a maid and make $700 a week, than be a maid for $7." She was honored AND condemned.

Hattie McDaniel was born in 1895 in Wichita, Kansas. Her father was an ex-slave. At an early age her father encouraged her to pursue a career in theater and film. But the roles she wanted were denied to her. She wanted to do romantic roles and acceptable alternatives to playing the "Mammy". What hurt her even more was the dicotomy that existed among Black actors. For example, she could not compete with Lena Horne for the more glamorous and conventionally romantic roles that Horne would and did play. Both African-American actors, one viewed as the dark skinned antebellum servant, and Lena, the light-skinned "sepia", was considered more acceptable for romantic roles. Hattie felt her "looks" isolated her and sadly, it did. Nevertheless, Hattie McDaniel set a historical precedent, winning an Oscar, the first African-American, EVER, to win the gold statuette for her role in GONE WITH THE WIND. She was a gifted actor and an important figure in U.S. cultural history. Hattie McDaniel died of breast cancer on October 26, 1952 in Hollywood, CA. Finally, in spite of her extraordinary success as an actress, she was *NOT* allowed burial in the Hollywood cemetery. Why? Segregation was still the written and unwritten law in our country. Her black skin prohibited that accommodation.

Mondays 'IN' The Undergroundrailroad remembers the great accomplishments of Hattie McDaniel.

For more on the life of Hattie McDaniels; Hattie: The Life of Hattie McDaniel

The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder

Questions of the Day

1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you *must* have in your car at all times?

2. What are your holiday plans?

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.

OK, I'm OUTTA. See you next Monday 'IN' The Undergroundrailroad

Happy Holidays! PEACE!

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GOPisEvil Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 10:59 AM
Response to Original message
1. Happy Monday! Good morning Mina!
Once again, you have assembled an educational and TASTY Monday thread. Kudos to you! Happy Holidays to you and your family! :-)

1. AAA Card and Cell Phone! Gets me out of any emergency. :D

2. Christmas Dinner and gifts with the parents. I might see some friends later in the day.

3. My GI Joe, with recreational vehicle and camping gear. GI on R&R! :D
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 01:33 PM
Response to Reply #1
17. Holiday Hugs to the Gent on the Golf Cart ;-) Thanks for the kudos. I
really appreciate those kind words.

OK, now, I must admit, I didn't *THINK* of the AAA Card and I have been a life-long member of AAA. I keep that card in my wallet all the time and it has been a life saver! So, that is an EXCELLENT "must have" item in the car.

Don't you just love GI Joes! I see you had Joe ready for freddy with his recreational vehicle and camping gear. Very nice.

Here's another :hug: and enjoy your Christmas dinner and your gifts.

Love and peace,

Mina :loveya:
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 05:12 PM
Response to Reply #1
30. GOP/GI Joe for your Christmas morning memories!
Edited on Mon Dec-22-03 05:15 PM by undergroundrailroad


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ScreamingMeemie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 11:00 AM
Response to Original message
2. Good morning to you Mina....On the run so I have to answer fast.
1. I have to have thing one and thing two....

Nicole and James, my babies, to keep me from being stressed. :) I adore them.

2. Holiday plans are very lowkey. Christmas Eve with the in laws...Christmas day with my folks, and ....of course...moderating. :)

3. Favorite toy from my childhood was an erector set that was my brother's and then was handed down to me. How I loved playing with that!!

May all your dreams come true this holiday season Mina!!! You deserve it!

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 01:48 PM
Response to Reply #2
18. Hello, Hello, Hello and Happy Holidays Mrs. G! Here's a
holiday :hug:

Thanks Mrs. G. for stopping in to say hello. Your are just the greatest!

May all your Christmas Dreams come true for you and your family.


Mina :loveya:

PS: Oh, I forgot to give you this:

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ZenLefty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 11:05 AM
Response to Original message
3. Hello hello
I'm so glad you got your Patti Play Pal Doll, despite not doing your homework a coupla times. :D

1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you *must* have in your car at all times?

-Clean underwear (preferably on me)
-Ummm.... car keys? :shrug:

2. What are your holiday plans?

-Invite everyone over, give them presents and feed them. Then we'll clean the kitchen while they get drunk in our living room. Quite a selfless christmas, it seems.

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.

-I had a spaceship that made sounds depending on which way it was oriented (up or down). Dang that was cool!
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 02:05 PM
Response to Reply #3
19. Happy Holidays Zen-Tupac. I want your latest CD for Christmas. Whay say
you? I mean you are a DU Superstar and, most def a hip-hop star. Tell you what, I'll settle with giving you this very tight hug :hug:.

LOL, "clean underwear" ! That's a REAL good response Zen-T. You know what they say, always have that clean pair of undies just in case: A) B) or C). (Now, I'm going to tell your fans! :loveya: ) Yes, the car keys of course. Well, what about your music? I think what is most important is that you get into the car and just go!

Sounds like your going to have a great Christmas. Food, gifts and, of course, you! How could anyone resist ;-) You live in a beautiful part of the country. I would love to wake up and see mountains all around. We don't have many mountains in New York (except upstate NY).

I remember the spaceship that made all the sounds and also had the flashing lights. I played with my brother's toys on Christmas day.

Zen, I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and may all your Christmas dreams come true!

BTW, thanks for all your contributions at DU and for being a terrific moderator! Here's another :hug:

Love and peace,

Mina :hug: :loveya:

To Zen-T

Mina :hi:
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GoGo1 Donating Member (203 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 11:09 AM
Response to Original message
4. Happy Holidays Mina. You've got the UGRR decked out! Mina, what
Edited on Mon Dec-22-03 11:38 AM by GoGo1
a great holiday edition you put together today! I love it and I am also a GWTW fan and a bigger fan of Hattie McDaniels. Thanks for remembering her and her life. You know, I never think of your subjects until you write about them and the focus is all positive.

Also, I never heard of the holiday, Johnkankus. Wish you were my history teacher Mina. You would have made the classroom fun.



1. In my car I MUST have my cell phone and the battery charger. I always check to make sure I have both before I take off.

2. Holiday plans will consist of dinner at home and taking a walk.

3. My best toys were action figures and games! I collect all kinds of games.

Thanks for a wonderful Monday In The UGRR Mina and for your efforts to make it so special.

Happy Holidays Mina and to everyone at DU.


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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 02:16 PM
Response to Reply #4
21. Glad you liked the holiday decor ! Happy Holidays!!
Thanks for your compliments and thanks for stopping in to say hello to me.

So your a GWTW/Hattie McDaniels fan. That's just great. She has so much history, stories of activism and she was a progressive. That is what I hope to share in the UGRR. African-Americans who have made that contribution but during a time that print/24/7 news/TV/internet was not available.

OK, You MUST have your cell phone and battery charger. I agree. I must have both.
Your going to have your dinner and then exercise. Great!
You liked action figures and you collect games. Very interesting. My favorite board game is Trivia Pursuit.

Once again, thanks for stopping in and may all your Christmas dreams come true.

Love and peace,

Mina :hug: :loveya:

For you! Love, Mina

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rbnyc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 11:20 AM
Response to Original message
5. Hello!
1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you *must* have in your car at all times?

I don't have a car and I don't drive. I don't regularly ride in cars. But if I did, I think I would probably have to have bottled water and sunglasses.

2. What are your holiday plans?

Seeing the in-laws, Long Island.

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.

Legos! (Micronauts a close second.)

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 02:38 PM
Response to Reply #5
23. Here is a special (((hug))) for you ! What a year RB!
But your prevailed! You and your husband were on every single TV channel in New York! Also, all the New York newspapers. Everybody loves a happy ending!

I see your coming out to Long Island for Christmas. I understand the weather is going to be unseasonably warm (or so News 12 says).

I understand about driving. But, if your were driving, you would have water and your sunglasses (and why not! Your a STAR!)

Have a wonderful holiday and may all your dreams come true, today and always! Here's another tight :hug:


Mina :loveya: :hug:

Letgo of my Legos!

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Punkingal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 11:25 AM
Response to Original message
6. Good morning, lovely Mina,
my friend. Happy Johnkankus to you, and may your holiday season be filled with joy!

As always, the African-American history navigation was a most wonderful ride. Thank you!

I, too, love GWTW, and I always loved Mammy. Hattie deserved that Oscar...she played that role to perfection. I have always thought she was the best character in the movie, and she is even better in the book. Sad that she struggled as she did, but I believe she set a precedent by the winning the Oscar. Was she not the first African-American to do so? Those who blaze the trail before us deserve our gratitude, because they make it a teensy bit easier for the rest of us.

In my car, I must have a cassette tape, made by me, which is a collection of all my favorite songs. They range from "She Loves You," by the Beatles, to "Devoted to You," by the Everly Brothers and then I also have "In Your Wildest Dreams," by the Moody Blues, and "Dixieland Delight," by Alabama (that's what I am, a Dixieland Delight) to provide a few examples. And I have Elvis, and Queen, too, as well as others. All in all, a very mixed bag, which is what I like. I also must have a windshield screen, because the sun in Vegas makes those leather seats awfully hot!

My hubby and I are having Christmas at home with my sister, and my son, and then he and I are going to Pasadena, to visit his sister and her family. His parents will be there, and they are approaching 80 years old, so sadly, we won't have too many more Christmases with them.

My favorite toy is a tie. One Christmas I received a bride doll, all dressed in her wedding finery, and another year, a toy piano, (which was replaced a few years later with a real one.) I can't seem to remember any other toys, so those have to be my favorites. I always wanted an electric train, but I kept that a secret, so I never got one. (They were for boys!)

I hope you have the best Christmas ever. Thank you for Mondays in the UGRR!
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 04:00 PM
Response to Reply #6
24. She love me yeah, yeah , yeah! Hi ya sweetpatatapie :-)
Thanks and may all your holiday dreams and wishes come true. You deserve everything and more Punkingal. Now and always.

Thank you for always paying compliments to the African-American history featured in Mondays IN The UGRR. I sort of "lived" some of this history and in a way, I like to talk about it and I seem to connect to everyone who visits me on Mondays. Thanks for taking the time to support this effort. I really appreciate your consistent support every Monday.

Yes, Hattie McDaniels was the first African-American to win an Oscar. Her father was a slave. When I think of her role in GWTW, I don't think that movie would have been the success that is was with our her character in the movie. She connected to every person portrayed and her role was unique only and I mean ONLY to her. I have always had the utmost respect for Hattie McDaniels and if she were around today, I think she would be proud of the leadership she provided, thus, creating a pathway for other Black actors to win Oscars for their performances.

So, I see you MUST have your music and so do I. I see we have a mutual love for the Beatles, The Everly Brothers, and The Moody Blues! I love MOTOWN everything and can name that tune in less than 1 second (I've tried this game before and I love it!) Also, in your car, you must have a windshield protector. What an excellent suggestions! I never dreamed the responses would be so fun. This was a great question and I'm glad I'm getting great responses.

I hope that you and your Husband (along with your extended family) have a beautiful Christmas day.

Oh, I have one more thing for you:


Mina :hug: :loveya:
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TahitiNut Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 11:42 AM
Response to Original message
7. G'morning, minamyluv!
Hattie was awesome! She pushed the envelope and asserted herself repeatedly in adamant resistance to demeaning portrayals. Almost single-handedly, at a time when both as a woman and as a black in a white medium she was part of the of the least empowered of minorities, she steadfastly fought against the "Amos'n'Andy" stereotyping so common in that day. She is too often underrated with a myopic hindsight that fails to appreciate her "long haul" courage in dragging Hollywood into the light.

1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you *must* have in your car at all times?

A small blanket and hats. They're "garlic" against the anti-top-down passengers in my pervertible.

2. What are your holiday plans?

"Plans"?? I hear God laughing.

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.

My Lionel trainset when I was younger, and later, a pogostick. I bounced records in the neighborhood.
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 04:40 PM
Response to Reply #7
26. Hello and Good Monday, TNmyluv!
Wasn't Hattie awesome! I have always loved the scene in the movie when she just ever so slightly pulled up her dress to show Rhett her red petticoat! Precious.

Regarding Amos'n'Andy. I recall meetings my parents attended to do everything in their power to get that show off the air. What an insult and you are so correct, the stereo-typing of that era, specifically, with that show, had far reaching problems for blacks and how we were portrayed in every day life. I used to look at the program and think, I don't "talk" like that?? It presented "Negroes" in the worst possible light and the pop culture of that show still pops up in Disney cartoons and movies. Thanks TN for your comments and your sensitivity regarding this very important issue to me. You are such a sweetie, my Vernors loving friend.

Now, you must have in your car, at all times, a hat and blanket. Again, another original response! I just love what DU'ers keep in their cars! I'm lovin it!

Holiday plans? OK, at DU with me :)

Your favorite toy was your Lionel train set. My uncle to this day has a special room dedicated to his collection of Lionel trains. It has been featured in several articles. Whenever I would visit, I would always ask to see the "train room". With the flip of a switch, the trains were in action, complete with whistles and lights. What a wonderful memory. Oh, and yes I ALSO had a pogo stick! That was so much fun. I learned to master the pogo stick and could go for a while without falling. You had to pogo on the concrete.

Have a wonderful holiday TN and may all your dreams/wishes come true. Now and forever.


Mina :loveya: :hug:

For you TN:

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blazinjason Donating Member (132 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 11:53 AM
Response to Original message
8. The "dancing" UGRRs doing the Jingle Bell Rock! Mina, thanks so much for
today's holiday edition.

I have wanted to ask you how do you put this together? How do you select the topics and questions?

I have heard of the Black Nativity the day of Christmas in the South. It is also a festive holiday much like the Johnkankus that you describe. The Johnkankus story is very interesting and thanks for sharing that.

Hattie McDaniels is a legend in my mind. I will always love her portrayal of "mammy" in Gone With The Wind. She deserved the Academy Award because no one could have played that role as well as she did. We are now approaching 2004 and only 5 actors to date have won Academy Awards.

3)Denzel x 2
5) AND Hattie

(am I missing anyone?)

1. I must have water, cell phone and music.
2. Going out to dinner with friends. Then we will drive around and look at decorations.
3. Video Games was my toy of choice.

Happy Holidays and Happy Johnkankus Mina.

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 05:05 PM
Response to Reply #8
29. Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, it's Jingle Bell TIme and it's
Jingle Bell Rhyme. So you like the 1-2-3 step dancing letters. So cute!

Thanks for your compliments. I always appreciate those very much.

So, in your car you must H20, cell phone and music. And you like video games at Christmas!

Have a wonderful Christmas dinner with your friends and may all your Christmas dreams and wishes come true.


Mina :loveya: :hug:

Video Games:

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scarlet_owl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 11:55 AM
Response to Original message
9. Mmmmmmmm. Gingerbread!
My mother used to make us gingerbread for the Solstice when we were kids.

All I really need in my car is my mittened ice-scraper.

I'm going to St. Louis to be with my family. My grandparents don't think I'm coming, so it's going to be a special treat for them.

My favorite toy of all time was my stuffed Ewok.

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 05:29 PM
Response to Reply #9
31. Hello Scarlet Owl and Welcome to Mondays IN The Undergroundrailroad!
Happy Holidays. OK, where is my red carpet to welcome your arrival?

Allow me to welcome you to Mondays IN The UGRR. We call ourselves the UGRR "bunch" or gang but we're all very tight down here. We chill, talk about every and anything and ignore the heck outta spell check. So I welcome you to our group!

I just love gingerbread and the wonderful aroma of it as it's baking in the oven. Mmmmmm!

Now, you must have your mittened ice-scraper. Again, another important tool to have in the car. Just great responses to this question.

Have a wonderful Christmas dinner with your family in St. Louis. Oh, what a wonderful surprise for your grandparents! Have that camera ready to keep those memories.

Let me look in my gift bag and find a.......


Have a wonderful holiday and please come back to visit me again in the UGRR.

Love and peace,

Mina :hug: for the holidays and safe travel
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scarlet_owl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 10:46 PM
Response to Reply #31
49. Oh, thanks for the Ewoks and the welcome!
What a great holiday season this is turning out to be! Have a great holiday Mina!


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LeftPeopleFinishFirst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 11:58 AM
Response to Original message
10. hey!
Edited on Mon Dec-22-03 11:59 AM by LeftPeopleFinishFirs
1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you *must* have in your car at all times?
My cell phone and tissues

2. What are your holiday plans?
Staying home with the fam

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.
Polly Pockets and LEGOS
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 05:37 PM
Response to Reply #10
32. Happy Holidays LeftPeopleFinishFirst (and they do when the votes are

Thanks for dropping in to say hello.

OK, life in your car. Must have cell phone and tissues. Again, two very important items for many important reasons.

Holiday plans will revolve around family and home. Sounds good LPFF.

And your favorite toy, was Polly Pockets and Legos! 2-3 DUers picked Legos :)

Toys for your childhood memories :)

Have a wonderful holiday and may all your dreams/wishes come true.


Mina :love ya: :hug: :hi:
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jmm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 12:10 PM
Response to Original message
11. Happy Holidays!
1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you *must* have in your car at all times?

I don't have a car, but if I did I think I'd need my cell phone in case I got lost and for emergencies plus some music so I wouldn't get bored.

2. What are your holiday plans?

I'm going to my grandfather's house on Christmas.

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.

My favorites had to be my Care Bears and Lego.
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 05:48 PM
Response to Reply #11
33. What would *my* holiday be without my DU Daughter checking in.
Hi Jmm :hug: How are you? Hope everything is going your way for the holidays.

Well, even as a passenger and whenever you go out you must take your cell phone. Jmm, when I was very young, there was always a saying. When you go out on a date, you must carry a "just in case" dime. A shiny dime was for the public telephones (and they were 10 cents for a very long time) in case your date turned out to be a disappointment. Now there are cell phones to keep you safe. So, I'm glad you carry it around. Of course, music is portable as well.

You will spend Christmas at your grandfather's house. I think that's where you were last Christmas?

Oh yes, the Care Bears ( I love those) and another vote for Legos!

Have a wonderful holiday and may everything you want, always come true.


Mom :hug: :loveya:
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cally Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 12:20 PM
Response to Original message
12. Good morning Mina
My sisters got Patti Play Pal dolls one Christmas and I was soooooo jealous. They used to dress the doll up in my clothes. Eventually I got the dolls and I used to play with them all the time. I actually just gave them away a few months ago. I had saved them for my kids.

I never knew that about Hattie McDaniels. She is an inspiration.

On to the questions:

1. I have to have tissues and my cell phone.

2. I'm having my family over for Christmas Eve dinner. Then just my immediate family for Christmas morning where I always make my families traditional scones which are cooked on a griddle. Then we drive, yuck, to my in-laws for Christmas dinner. I'm always exhausted Christmas night. What are your plans?

3. One Christmas I kept asking for a chimpanzee. I think I was about 8. I 'researched' them and I was convinced I could take care of a chimpanzee. :crazy: My parents bought me a large stuffed animal chimpanzee that had a pull chain and talked. I was disappointed I didn't get the live one but I loved that toy.
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 06:05 PM
Response to Reply #12
34. My DU Sister! Hello Cally and Happy Holidays to you :-)
Cally, it was just something about the doll that I loved. It was life-size and that cute little pinafore dress and the patent leather mary-janes with the white socks!

OK, on to the questions!

Of course your cell phone, very important. I use my cell phone as an organizational tool as well. Very useful for date/time issues.

It looks like your going to have a very busy Christmas schedule. Cally, I never had scones, real scones and I have always wanted to try them out. I went to Star Bucks and they sell "scones" but I always thought of scones with heavy cream and jam (do I have this correct Cally?). What a treat to prepare for your family. I will be home for the holidays and online.

I just loved your story about the chimpanzee. My son asked for one also, I too presented him with a stuffed animal chimpanzee! We both laugh together about his request for Christmas.

Here is a :hug: and may all your Christmas dreams come true, now and always.


Mina :loveya: :hug:
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BigMcLargehuge Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 12:26 PM
Response to Original message
13. Feliz Navidad Senora Mina!
Edited on Mon Dec-22-03 01:20 PM by BigMcLargehuge
Wonderful article today Mina! I loved learning about Johnkankus! It seems like another example of African natives melding their tribal traditions for worship with western Christian thought? I know that Voodoo is one example, as is Santaria. However, Johnkankus appears to be a more one-time holiday celebration rather than an entire belief system.

Very good information to have as we dangle at the threshold of the season!

To be honest I’ve never been a fan of Gone with the Wind, I find the novel turgid and unreadable and the film coma-inducing. However, I have always appreciated Hattie McDaniels’s role as Mammy. Imagine how hard it must have been to be in America, a black actress, and struggling for the pittance of roles offered each year by the studio? To compound the frustration, almost no one considered black actors or actresses unless they were producing a civil war film! We both know that in the 30’s and 40’s black cinema was literally non-existent. What a horrible choice she must have had? Make a film and earn much less than even the bit players in the film, or avoid cinema altogether.

With the exception of off-Broadway stage roles, African Americans at the time had only one other solution.

Move to France like Josephene Baker where he race was not an impediment to her talent. But moving to France, then like today, is a difficult process.

A pity and Hattie’s treatment by both sides of the argument is shameful and sad.

I’d love to see a modern bio-pic about her life!

And onto the questions!

Questions of the Day

1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you *must* have in your car at all times?

The sleeve for my CD changer. Currently loaded with three mix discs I made on my G4 Mac, Radiohead’s Hail to the Thief, David Gray’s A New Day at Midnight, and Radiohead’s OK Computer.

The other thing I can’t drive without is my baja pullover jacket. My wife hates it, my mom hates it, at one time I threw away or donated a dozen baja jackets under duress. But my mom-in-law gave me one a few years ago, and to prevent the constant complaints, I no longer wear it, but have used the jacket as a seat cover on the passenger seat.

Now whenever I look over to the right, I can see it, and I smile.

2. What are your holiday plans?

Stay home and play with Ian’s toys until mid afternoon, then it’s dinner with the in-laws.

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.

Great question. I can’t say we had all that many toys, and childhood ended sometime around my 13th birthday when I started working full-time at the family restaurant, but I had a few favorites, especially my bicycle. My Raleigh Rampar R-9 was the only expensive bike I ever owned. I have no idea how my dad rounded up the near 400 bucks it cost to buy, AND STILL gift my two younger brothers, but one Christmas morning, there it was! Blue and coated with BMX pads, powder-coated blue metal-flake chromoly frame glistening beneath the Christmas lights. That bike was my freedom and suddenly I could get to the library almost two miles away without bugging Mom for a ride, I could sleep a little longer in the morning and ride rather than walk to school. Plus, the knobby ties and large sprocket meant it was both fast and powerful in the snow.

I loved it.

Three months later someone stole it from my yard, we recovered it but the bike was never the same. A year later it again succumbed to theft, this time never to return. Still some 22 years later when I cruise the old neighborhood I watch for the trademarked “R” plate on the frames of passing BMX bikes. Just in case!

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 06:50 PM
Response to Reply #13
35. Hello my friend. I have to keep reminding myself that your a movie
historian! Wow, I just learned some interesting trivia about you. Your family owned a restaurant! Just when I *THINK* I know everything about you or I'm learning so much about you, you surprise me with more. It's good, all good.

I don't think I could have said it any better than you. There were NO roles for black actors in mainstream Hollywood unless they were the maid, butler, mammy or a tap dancer in "black" face. I mean, a black person had to put on make-up, black make-up (?), just to get the part or get on the stage. I never understood the level of hate towards African-Americans post reconstruction/Jim Crow. I think if more people were as informed as you are, they might understand the pain we have felt. It's horrible. I really felt bad for Hattie McDaniel when I first saw her in Gone With The Wind. But, in another way, I felt her portrayal of "Mammy" was like magic. I knew she was an actress. But she played the role SO well, she became Mammy and some African-Americans, fresh out of Reconstruction, held it against her.

Yes, Josephine Baker was also an activist, devoting her life to the equal rights of African Americans. She became a citizen of France. Her story did not have a happy ending. Nevertheless, you could not take her talent and unique ability to perform away from her spirit. Everything she did had a certain panache and it was all *HER* own. Here is a picture of the flamboyant beautiful dancer and entertainer:

While I was writing the Johnkankus piece, I thought about you BigMac. How resourceful and progressive the slaves were in celebrating their heritage and intertwining it into an American holiday, Christmas, to make it their own.

I could talk all day to you Big Mac. I should say I love talking to you on Mondays. On to the questions!

Life in your car. Must have the sleeve for your CD Changer. Again, another original answer, unique only to you! The reason I asked this question was because I was considering buying a car TV/DVD player for my jeep. I love my car and when I take those long drives, I would like to have access to CNN. Again, I'm not sure yet. Perhaps you have some thoughts on this idea.

Mr. and Mrs. BigLMH will be home with little biglmh, your adorable son, Ian! I hope you will be able to share another picture of him next Monday in the UGRR. Here is a hug for Ian from Mina :hug:

What a great childhood memory. Getting your beloved Raleigh Rampar R-9 bike for Christmas. As you stated, right there, assembled and waiting for you on Christmas morning. I know that feeling. That "it takes your breath away" feeling.
That was the feeling I had towards the doll. I really didn't think I was going to get it. I know that feeling of freedom on a bike and that ties right into the car.

I found this 1973 Raleigh Chopper.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting Mondays IN The UGRR and for your friendship.

May all your dreams come true on Christmas, in 2004, always. :hug:


Mina :hug: :loveya:
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proud patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 12:35 PM
Response to Original message
14. Tis the season of PEACE ...Happy Monday DU and Mina
1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you *must* have in your car at all times?

can of altoids mints (wintergreen)


Good Music

2. What are your holiday plans?
Go to my mother in laws place and eat .

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.
my unicycle
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 07:25 PM
Response to Reply #14
37. Peace to you Proud Patriot. Thanks for the excellent job you do in
moderating the lounge!

Now, life in your car. You must have a can of altoid mints (wintergreen please :) ) and good music! I do agree.

Your favorite toy from your childhood is your unicycle.

OK, one unicycle coming up for more childhood memories!

Have a wonderful Christmas dinner with your family. May all your dreams come true for you this Christmas, and always.


Mina :hug: :loveya:
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jono Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 01:04 PM
Response to Original message
15. Good morning, Mina!
The Undergroundrailroad looks so festive today! :)

1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you *must* have in your car at all times?

I must have good tunes on the radio, and my cell phone for emergencies. (My sweetheart is a close third, but he's not always available for car rides, so I can't really call him a "must-have" - at least, not for the car!)

2. What are your holiday plans?

My plans are to spend the morning with my partner's family, then to spend the evening with my family. Both families are within 30 miles of here, so I don't have to fight the traveling crowds too much. We're going to Victoria, BC on New Year's Day.

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.

I used to have an electric train set that I loved.

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 07:47 PM
Response to Reply #15
38. Isn't the UGRR Festive Today! So many visitors and thanks Jono for
dropping in to say hello! I want to "thank you" for the outstanding job you do in moderating the GD Forum! Thanks for
volunteering and doing a terrific job!

Now, on to the questions.

Life in the car must contain good tunes on the radio and your cell phone for emergencies! I have to admit, next to the internet, cell phones are the greatest invention of my lifetime. I am never away from my loved ones. Just a simple phone call away.

And your favorite childhood toy was your train set!

One childhood memory coming up!

Jono, may all your Christmas dreams come true!. Enjoy Christmas day with your partner's family and yours. Safe travel to both of you. :hug:


Mina :loveya: :hi:
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pmbryant Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 01:21 PM
Response to Original message
16. Melodic Monday
Thanks for another great daily thread, Mina. Hope you have a great holiday! :hi:

1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you *must* have in your car at all times?

2. What are your holiday plans?

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.

(1) Flashlight. Air pressure gauge. (Not including things like license, registration, insurance card, spare tire, etc.)

(2) Hang out at home with my S.O. and our pets.

(3) A miniature bridge construction set. I could build all sorts of different bridges, but my favorite was always the suspension bridge with big, swooping ramps leading up to it. :D

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 08:08 PM
Response to Reply #16
39. Happy Holidays Professor! Here's a holiday ((hug)) and a compliment
You do such a great job moderating DU ! But your the professor! Your brilliant!


Now, why didn't *I* think of the items such as your license (in my wallet), my registration, insurance card (copies in my glove compartment), my spare tire (on the back of my jeep) and my AAA Card, always with me.

Flashlight and air pressure gauge. You know, this is one question that just about every DUer answered in their own special way. Each response makes every item so rational and I'm going to reassess the items in my car. Blankets, flash lights, pens, so many different items that could become very useful. Just today, an Earthquake occured in CA. Black Outs, Orange Alerts, etc. So many reasons to just be organized and prepared for WHATEVER.

So you liked those miniature bridge construction sets. Your favorite was the suspension bridge with big, swooping ramps.

One childhood memory on it's way!

Peter, I wish you and your SO a wonderful holiday. Here is another holiday :hug: just for you!

Love, and peace

Mina :loveya:
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Crewleader Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 02:06 PM
Response to Original message
20. Mina & DU
Edited on Mon Dec-22-03 02:07 PM by Crewleader

1.) a.In My Truck, it's my OnStar which is in it all the time, helps emergency and cuts down the insurance cost because thieves can get caught easily and that's what makes it appealing to have.

b. My CDs'my music that makes me relax while I drive. Right now this month I'm liking just the melodies from Charlie Brown's Christmas, perfect for the holidays.

2.) Just making a larger turkey then I did at Thanksgiving. I got big requests for that and we are just staying home.

3.) I was 5 years and receive this convertible royal blue chevy with a nice shiny paint job and strong wheels with a great steering wheel while my younger brother got a firetruck in red. We used to race down the sidewalk in the city of New Bedford and boy could I pedal fast and won most of the time, he was always ringing his bell!
Thanks for bringing back the memory, the next gift was the bike.:-)

Mina May You And Your Family Have A Wonderful Holiday And All Of My Friends At DU too! :hi:
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 08:40 PM
Response to Reply #20
41. Oh Crew, thanks for that BEAUTIFUL Christmas Tree. You are

always so creative and thoughtful. Thanks so much for dropping in to say hello. You were with me when Mondays In the UGRR first got off the ground. I appreciate your support and your visits, very much.

Now, let's talk about OnStar! I really want one! I just love the thought that you can push a button and someone is always there to help you out.

So, of course, you have the OnStar as your must have item in your car. Cool, very cool! And the b) part of your response was your CD's, your music that helps you to relax while you drive. I do agree. When I'm in my car, that is my space, my time to think to enjoy music, chat on the telephone, etc. Sometimes I just sip tea or water and listen to the music. Your car can be very positive space in your life.

I really liked your response.

So your putting that turkey in the oven for all to enjoy! Yummy :)

Now, about your childhood Christmas memories. I had a brother who received that exact same truck (with the little silver bell, round, that you could ring) and I would petal in my truck and he would petal in his. We had parameters set for our distance. My mother would not allow us past "Mrs. Raiford's" house. Of course the person who got to the mark FIRST would ring, ring, RING that bell. I just loved doing that.

Here is a childhood memory for both of us Crew!

Not quite the one, but in spirit, we enjoy :)

Have a wonderful Christmas Crew. Thank you so much for dropping in to the UGRR today. This means a lot to me.
May all your Christmas dreams come true. Now, and always!


Mina :loveya: :hug:
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Padraig18 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 02:30 PM
Response to Original message
22. Hi, Mina! May I have some gingerbread with my tea?
1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you must have in your car at all times?

My cigarettes and my cupholder.

2. What are your holiday plans?

Spending 2 days in Chicago at my Granny's with all the family.

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.

A Tonka dump truck.

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 08:55 PM
Response to Reply #22
42. Yes you may! Here is your tea and here is the red carpet!

I found this fascinating information about your cup of tea!

The Perfect Cup

South Africans drink on average 5 - 6 cups of rooibos a day. It has approximately a 40% share of their hot drinks market, making it a strong rival to regular tea and coffee. You will find it hard to locate a restaurant or tea shop that does not have Rooibos on the menu. It is enjoyed by all ages and in a wide variety of recipes.

Redbush Tea can be reheated without loss of flavour. In South Africa they would traditionally keep a pot boiling on the stove all day, topping it up with more tea or water as needed.

We do not however recommend that you microwave the tea to reheat. Although the flavour is still excellent it is thought to damage the flavonoid content.

Now on to the questions of the day! Let me check you out Padraig.

Your MUST have items in your car are your cigarettes and your cupholder. Oh my, what would I do withOUT my cup holder. YES! That is a 100% must have in your car.

I see your going to spend your holiday time in Chicago at your Grandmother's house and all the family. Very nice! I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas reunion. Now,

let me see if I can find a TONKA :) dump truck?

Here ya go! And may all your Christmas dreams and wishes come true.

Love and peace,

Mina :hi: :hug:
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flamingyouth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 04:08 PM
Response to Original message
25. Excellent issue as always, Mina!
I am a huge fan of Hattie's, so thanks for highlighting her today! :hi:

As for your questions, I need a bottle of water and a working radio/tape deck/CD player. I hate driving in silence!

We celebrate Christmas (Jul) Swedish-style on the 24th. My husband and I will go to my parents' house (we have a very small family; it's just the four of us). We always have traditional Scandinavian food (but hold the lutefisk, please!)

My all-time favorite toy from childhood has to be my plush Snoopy. I got sick on him when I was four, and my mother tried to wash him, but he just fell apart (he'd been very loved). I was devastated, but the next day she bought me a new one. I still am a big Snoopy fan to this day.

Thank you, Mina, for all of your contributions this year. I've loved getting to know you, and have a wonderful holiday season and new year!
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 09:26 PM
Response to Reply #25
44. Happy Holidays Flamingyouth! I want to thank you for being a wonderful
moderator and you take such good care of us! Thanks Flamingyouth, your doing a great job!

So, you celebrate Christmas Swedish-style! How wonderful! Oh I would LOVE to try out Scandinavian food! Please provide more details about your Christmas celebration in July. I love learning about the many different ways others celebrate holidays all over the world.

You made my thread so special with holiday details!

OK, on to the car. Your must have car items are a bottle of H20 and your music (CDs, etc.) I understand what you mean by "driving in silence". When the music is on, it's like another "being" is there with you. I really relate to your comments.

OK, now close your eyes Flamingyouth!

Now open!

Enjoy your Snoopy Doll! :hug:

Love, always,

Mina :hug: :loveya:
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TopesJunkie Donating Member (979 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 04:53 PM
Response to Original message
27. 3 Answers.
Questions of the Day

1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you *must* have in your car at all times?

= My Kinky CD (the first, self-titled CD) and a drink with serious caffeine.

2. What are your holiday plans?

= Going to the beach to watch the storms.

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.

= A number of slot-track race sets. Especially the ones that allowed you to switch lanes.
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 09:38 PM
Response to Reply #27
45. Welcome to Mondays IN The UGRR TopesJunkie (like that name).

Welcome to Mondays in the UGRR! Take your walk down that red carpet while I check out your responses:

Your *MUST* have items are your "Kinky CD" and some SERIOUS caffeine.
I heard that!

You plan to go to the beach and storm watch. Why that is beautiful. What a beautiful response, WOW! I also live near the Atlantic Ocean and often I like to drive over and look out at the ocean during a storm. It is peaceful and your sort of putting things in perspective.

Your favorite toy, your perfect holiday memory is several slot-track race sets, especially the ones that allowed you to switch lanes (but sometimes the car went flying off ! Am I correct?)

OK, let me find a slot-track race set.

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and may all your dreams come true!

Please come back and visit me again!

Love and peace,

Mina :hug:
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Insider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 05:01 PM
Response to Original message
28. mondays with mina
hello there, and thanks for the hattie mcdaniels piece.
deck the halls and stuff!

1. Life in your car. Name at least 2 important things you *must* have in your car at all times?
wrigley's EXTRA gum (polar ice flavor ONLY), and house music mix CDs

2. What are your holiday plans?
work work work

3. Name a favorite toy from your childhood.

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 09:54 PM
Response to Reply #28
46. Mondays with Mina. I like that! Welcome to Mondays In The UGRR!

And thanks for the compliments and thanks for mentioning Hattie McDaniels' piece.

Deck the halls and our holiday decorations today are very festive.

OK, your *MUST* have items for your car? Wrigley's EXTRA gum (Polar ice flavor ONLY please!)

OK, here ya go!

OH NO! They don't have the "polar ice flavor"??? What to do?? OK, let's see what I can do in the childhood memory department!

How about that for Christmas memories ;-)

Thanks so much for dropping in to the UGRR to say hello. May you have a wonderful holiday and may all your dreams come true!

Love, peace

Mina :hug:
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ikojo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 07:05 PM
Response to Original message
36. Evenin' Mina!
I really enjoyed the story of johnkankus! What a wonderful holiday celebration. I love the UGRR because I learn something new every week.

1. I think my Christmas is going to be low key...since I don't celebrate the day anyway...

I dog and cat sit for people when they go on vacation and will be busy over the next month, so I will spend the day cleaning my apartment so it is not a total disaster area while I am gone.
Later on in the day I will go over to a friend's house and we will watch movies and eat Chinese or vegetarian lasagna.

2. I don't have a car and I use public transportation. There are a couple of things I don't like to be without, though. They are my PDA or a book. I have e books on my PDA as well as several avantgo channels. I like to have something to read with me at all times so I don't get bored.

The other thing I must have with me is my bus pass so I can get on the bus.

3. My favorite toy from my childhood revolves around my obsession with Star Trek. I had the fold out Enterprise and some ST action figures (dolls, OK?). I regret that I gave the Enterprise to my nephew when he was a kid and he did not take care of it in the least.

Mina, You are a source of inspiration on DU and I thank you for the knowledge you share with us each and every week.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a great 2004!

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 10:17 PM
Response to Reply #36
47. Thanks ikojo for stopping in to say hello to me! Thanks so much for you
your comments and your compliments. I so glad you enjoyed the story of Johnkankus. It is remarkable how the slaves brought happiness to their own lives in spite of their condition.

Let me tell you, I respect those who don't celebrate Christmas. My day will actually be spent at home, cooking and spending time on DU. I really love your profession! That must be an interesting occupation and one that requires compassion and love.

Your *must* have items on your being? Your PDA that allows you to read "e"Books. Very interesting. You always have something to read and your organized to boot. And you need your bus pass. Many years ago, I used to commute to NYC. I had a paper "monthly" LIRR train ticket. At the end of the month that poor ticket was so wrinkled, I don't thing there was a spot for the conductor to punch it, LOL.

So, I see that you are a Trekkie! How cool is that! Let me see if I can find something special for your childhood memories ?


I wish you a wonderful holiday and take care of those precious pets! That is a very important job and you must be a very special person to care for those special beings.

Once again, thank so much for the compliments and please return and visit me again. Here's a tight hug :hug:

Love and peace,

Mina :loveya: :hi:
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MaineDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 08:09 PM
Response to Original message
40. Mina, I've been gone today!
I almost missed the UGRR Holiday Edition! Thank you for the great education I get from your posts. And I've already eaten way too much Christmas goodies so the Gingerbread House isn't a temptation for me today. :D I've been soooooo bad!

1) My car is basically my pocketbook on wheels so I have more junk in that poor car! But this time of year I have a pair of boots and extra mittens...just in case.

2)We had our Christmas with the family yesterday so my husband and I will spend Christmas alone for like the first time ever. We'll have a nice breakfast and open our presents to each other and then I'm cooking a rib roast and yorkshire puddings. It will be quiet but nice. Maybe we'll go skiing in the morning.

3)A favorite toy??? Hmmmmmm I really don't remember too many. I enjoyed playing with Lincoln Logs and lots of games but I can't name just one.

I wish you the best of holidays! You brighten up Mondays here in DU. All the best for you and your family, Mina!

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 10:29 PM
Response to Reply #40
48. Hello Maine Dem and Happy Holidays! Hello Maine Dem and Happy Holidays!
I really am so happy you stopped in! Here's a holiday :hug: at the UGRR door! So, enjoy all the food and festivities abound. I really love my UGRR "bunch" and this has been a GREAT holiday edition.

So let me check out your *must* have items in your car! You need extra mittens (just in case ;-) ) and extra boots ( you are so organized!). I see your purse is your everything and more! I can relate to that. My New Year's Resolution is to reorganize my purse and I just ordered a new one for the ceremony. It's time to down size.

Ah yes, skiing in the morning! That should be fun. You know, I think it's wonderful that your spending time with your husband on Christmas and preparing that wonderful Christmas dinner (****rib roast and yorkshire puddings****) MaineDem, just think of me, UGRR, while preparing the yorkshire pudding. I have always wanted to try yorkshire pudding. Cally, another DUer is preparing Scones. Another item I would love to sample. I'm sure I would love everything.

Let me find those Lincoln Logs to create your childhood memories:

Enjoy those Lincoln Logs Maine Dem and thanks so much for dropping in to the UGRR during our Holiday Edition!

May you and your husband have a wonderful holiday and may all your dreams come true in 2004!


Mina :hug: :loveya:
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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 08:58 PM
Response to Original message
43. I hope everybody is enjoying their toys and their Christmas memories.
I'm working on the list and I will get to everybody!

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undergroundrailroad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-03 11:54 PM
Response to Original message
50. Thanks to everybody who visited Mondays IN The UGRR and thanks for your
comments and responses.

Love and peace to all. To my fellow DUers, may all your dreams come true this holiday season.

Love and peace,

Mina, UGRR
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