Does Your Kitty Cat Lose His Flavor On the Bedpost Overnight?
bertha katzenengel
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Thu Sep-21-06 02:16 AM
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Does Your Kitty Cat Lose His Flavor On the Bedpost Overnight? |
 'night, all
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Thu Sep-21-06 02:18 AM
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1. No, but sometimes he drools on the comforter. |
Sweet dreams, gf. :hug: :loveya:
bertha katzenengel
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Thu Sep-21-06 05:33 PM
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Thu Sep-21-06 08:11 PM
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bertha katzenengel
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Fri Sep-22-06 10:29 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
6. You should've seen it live |
:rofl: He had that look on his face about half the time. He was ripping up there. Y'know what ripping is . . . when a cat absolutely must be in the next room RIGHT NOW! Well, I have cats who rip in place. This little guy was ripping up and down the bedpost. HIGH-larious.
Deja Q
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Thu Sep-21-06 08:15 PM
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4. Having never tasted a kitty before... |
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Thu Sep-21-06 09:51 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. you never nibbled a kitty's ear? |
I do all the time. Not with my teeth, just with my lips. It's hilarious.
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Fri Sep-22-06 11:29 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
10. OH my god! I thought I was the only person who does that! I have |
always been called nutty or crazy for nibbling kitty ears. I finally feel vindicated. Thank you SO much!:bounce:
bertha katzenengel
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Fri Sep-22-06 10:40 PM
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Fri Sep-22-06 10:35 PM
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7. That's a super-cutie!!!! |
There's nothing like a kitten!
BTW, my oldest will spray a bedpost or anything vertical
bertha katzenengel
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Fri Sep-22-06 10:38 PM
Response to Reply #7 |
:( nothing wrong medically? the little pisser ;)
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Fri Sep-22-06 11:35 PM
Response to Reply #8 |
12. Heck no, he's been doing that kind of thing for 16 years or so |
Luckily he does it most of the time OUTSIDE. He sees a bush, he has to mark it and not with the glands on his face. He marks the same bush off the deck every day. I am amazed it is still living.
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Fri Sep-22-06 11:33 PM
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11. Aaaaah, Bertha -- that is so cute and so funny at the same time. |
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Fri Sep-22-06 11:39 PM
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13. that's a serious climbing kitty... |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:52 PM
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