Well, I have a nice ass but that's not the point.
The apartment complex I rent a unit from has a policy of 'No solicitors'. There's even a big sign on the front door.
Once every 6 months, someone peddling magazines or something else knocks on the door.
I'm at the point where I am begging for a Jehovah's Witness to stop by; at least they're not peddling bird cage lining...
But I tell them "Sorry. not today".
Now the last time this happened, I was as spineless as usual. But 5 minutes later I look outside the door and there's a honkin' huge cop confronting the periodical pushing peddlers who can't possibly be literate as they couldn't see or understand what "solicitors" are...
One would think that episode of "The Brady Bunch" where Bobby sells hair tonic to neighbors whose houses have the same sign would have learned something... but no, nobody was enlightened! :cry:
Next time, screw it. I won't even get dressed before answering the door. Then they'll think twice... Mind you, they'd think for a while and then charge me with indecent exposure, trying to seduce a minor, and/or something else equally depraved. :eyes: