Maxine Postal Diagnnosed with Fatal Disease
The calls came quick and heavy to Maxine Postal's Amityville office this morning, after news broke that Postal, the presiding officer of the Suffolk County legislature, had been diagnosed with a rare and fatal neurological disease.
Her colleagues in the county government learned the news last week, so the people picking up the phone to express their condolences were ordinary citizens -- people with no agenda, no ulterior motive, no reason for calling except to say they admired their long-time representative and wanted to wish her the best for whatever time she had left.,0,3753230.story?coll=ny-linews-headlinesI would like to wish her and her family the best of luck, and hope there is a way she can continue to serve my county.
She was instrumental in the Dem upswing in this county over the past two elections, and should she die, will be sorely missed.