care you can possibly get, because let me tell you, the WC docs are NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT the best in the business by any means.
I can share 2 horror stories, my own and my co-workers, my co-worker's is far, far worse. He will never, ever work again after dropping a paint can on his finger.
That's right. He's now permanently disabled thanks to the a little error made by the WC surgeon. He dropped a paint can on his finger, not a big deal you would think? WC decided to try to repair some minor nerve damage; the finger was simply numb.
After the operation the guy is a permanent zombie with the horrific pain. 3 years. He's drugged up, tranqed up and in permanent, serious, chronic pain.
He didn't have a lawyer making sure he got the best surgeon and the best care.
I suffered a repetitive motion back injury on the job. I received no care other than the offer of a russian massuese and electric stimulation for my first 30 days and even then they said it was merely a 'courtesy'. No MRI was done, I was put on my stomach for the 'therapy' causing me far, far worse pain than when I walked into the establishment each day, and so on. They refused to let me see my chiropractor unless I paid for it myself, and so on. I finally went to their selected chiropractor who refused to touch me since the injury was so painful; he then never submitted my records to WC, who then dismissed the case saying I didn't go to their appointed doctor. Luckily THE CHIROPRACTOR gave me the name of the damn fine attorney I ended up with, and I had proof of this, and proof of being at my appointment, and so on, but we all laughed for the next two years since my case was never taken off of "dismissed" status even while they were negotiating and settling.
PLEASE, please, please, please, please, I beg of you, find an attorney as soon as you possibly can if for no other reason than to make sure you're getting the absolute best care you can receive. I'm sure everyone means well, but put YOUR interests at the top of the heap. This is your BACK. You only have one and any damage usually means a lifetime of pain.