I want to thank everyone who replied to my post for help...I really did appreciate the time and the input.
Merlin has the effusive form of FIP. He developed a rather swollen abdomen, and the vet used a needle to aspirate some straw-colored fluid...which is not a good sign. The protein level of that fluid was very high...I don't remember the number, but it was pretty much the clincher. So...all we can do is keep him comfortable and as stable as possible. I'm doing for him what I do for my other kitties...give them as good and high quality a life as possible. I just won't have as long to do so for Merlin. :cry: The vet told me that sometimes they do go into remission for a while...but not to count on it. He seems stable and cheerful now. His temp is finally normal, and he has an appetite...although I think a lot of that is the prednisone.
I gave him that name in anticipation of the cat he would be...it's still a bit big for him. I would have liked to see him grow into his name.