So I few years ago, I went to go call my ex who I said I was never going to call again.
His phone was ringing, and I was waiting for him to pick up, when the smoke alarm went off LOUDLY. I had to hang up and investigate why it was going off, and of course it was nothing, just a bug in the alarm.
A few months later I went to go call him again, and I was sitting there waiting for him to pck up and the smoke alarm went off AGAIN.
Well I had to take it as a sign, so I didn't try calling him after that.
Wednesday before last I was sitting at home, scamming the WiFi, and I googled him. I found out all kinds of good dirt on him, and I got some leads to further investigate.
Within 12 hours, WiFi at my house totally crapped out, and hasn't returned since. Before this I had my pick of three unsecured connections, and now I only have one and it won't let me log on. :(
But do you agree? That I should take this as a sign? :shrug: