Packers-Raiders MNF Win it for Dad, Brett thread
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Mon Dec-22-03 08:58 PM
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Packers-Raiders MNF Win it for Dad, Brett thread |
Is there anyone pulling for Oakland tonight? Not I.
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Mon Dec-22-03 09:01 PM
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>Is there anyone pulling for Oakland tonight?
The way the Raiders have played this year, I can't say that *they're* even pulling for Oakland tonight.
Capn Sunshine
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Mon Dec-22-03 09:25 PM
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because if the Raiders win the game
and the total score is under 28 I win the pool !!!
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Mon Dec-22-03 09:39 PM
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I'm a Vikings fan...Packers lose Vikings make the playoffs
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Mon Dec-22-03 09:41 PM
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and although it is my solemn duty to opppose the Packers, I want them to win this one for Favre. I do like him. But the Pack? Ugh.
Of course they'll win though -- even the Bears beat the Raiders!
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Mon Dec-22-03 10:22 PM
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5. Brett Favre is having a great game |
in the face of perhaps the most adverse and challenging of personal circumstances.
Hats off to a real champion.
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Tue Dec-23-03 06:03 AM
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6. YYYYYaaaaaayyyyy!!!! GO PACKERS!!! |
What a game. What character. I am truly amazed.
That was a game I won't soon forget.
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Tue Dec-23-03 08:41 AM
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7. My husband was rolling his eyes at me for the whole game. |
I would start crying after every score. I would start crying when they showed Brett on the side lines. And I would start crying when they showed his wife watching him play. I feel so sad for him & his family, but he played a hell of a game.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:18 AM
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