Edited on Mon Sep-25-06 07:58 PM by catbert836
Well, actually, I don't. This friend of mine does. This imaginary friend that I have.
So, a while ago this imaginary friend developed a crush on a girl who he had a couple of classes at his high school with. If he were real, he and this girl would have been friends for a while before he grew attracted to her in this different kind of way. She would have been extremely intelligent and quite beautiful- two things my imaginary friend wouldn't be able to resist. My imaginary friend, however, is quite cowardly and doesn't know much at all when it comes to relationships, and so continued just being friends with this girl who he didn't have the cajones to ask out. If he weren't a figment of my imagination, he would have justified this by saying that he didn't really know her very well, or that his life was too complicated to leave any room for relationships. Well, about a year ago, the former reason evaporated when she joined Speech and Debate, something that I think my imaginary friend would enjoy a great deal.
I think my imaginary friend would have been elated, as he would be spending extra time with her, which in turn would give him no choice but to ask her out. I would think that he spent about until January working up the courage to ask her to the upcoming dance, and was even further elated when he heard that his crush was in need of a partner for team debate for an overnight tournament. If he were real, he would have eagerly volunteered hmself, and prepared to ask her out sometime during the tournament.
If I weren't making this whole story up, I think my imaginary friend would have done modestly well at the tournament with the girl he was too cowardly to ask out, perhaps they even would have made it to quarterfinals. At this point, however, a monkey wrench would have gotten thrown into his plans, in the form of his best friend.
Now my imaginary friend and his best friend go back a long way; they've known each other for six years and switched schools together twice. The only problem with their friendship would be that the best friend is ridiculously good at almost everything he does, whether it be school, sports, or, yes, Speech and Debate, while my imginary friend would be rather jealous of his achievments in all those areas. He would be so good that he might even have made it to final rounds in extemporaneous speaking, which guarantees him placing 1st through fourth.
So the monkey wrench might have occured like this: my imaginary friend and his crush would have lost to an excellent team in quarter-finals, the two seperating after his crush tells him that she wants to go hear his best friend's speech for the final round. Everything is cool for a while, and during the awards ceremony my imaginary friend gets an unexpected hug from the girl that he should have asked to the dance right then. It's on the bus home that things go south. The girl he should have asked out takes a seat next to his best friend, and they chat quite harmlessly for a while while my imaginary friend listens to his iPod and curses himself for being so cowardly. Eventually, he realizes that his best friend's arm is around her, and, concerned, he would have paused the iPod just in time to hear his best friend asking her to the dance, and her saying yes. The rest of the evening is spent in a haze of self-loathing, cursing and a vacant stare.
My imaginary friend is on student council, and so his presence would have been required at the dance if he weren't a construct of my imagination. He would have spent the dance mostly sitting on the gym bleachers, and left an hour early so no one would notice and feel sorry for him.
Now that's a rather pointless story, but my imaginary friend for some reason wanted me to post it, because he would have thought that it would help you understand things better. Fast forward seven months, towards the end of September. somewhere in there, my imaginary friend's best friend has denied that he and this girl were ever seriously going out. One night, possibly even yesterday, he might have googled his crush's name on a lark and stumbled across her profile on a MySpace-type site. He reads every page of her blog on this site, despite that it makes him feel like a stalker and despise himself even more. On this page he finds much poetry and musings concerning this girl's love for his best friend, although the last of them seems to date back several months.He lso discovers that he and this girl aren't that unlike each other: they both suffer from lonlieness, are both slightly awkward socially, both like the same sorts of music and literature, et cetera. Now, if he were real (and he's not), my imaginary friend would have a dilemma: should he finally ask this girl out, or should he remain backed off, as he is not aware to what extent her relationship with his best friend is still alive?
He could use advice from anyone, which is why I would have been asked to post this on DU. I'm sure if I were in that situation, I would like some too, especially from such a wise community of individuals. Even if you do not have any advice, thanks for listening.