My sister fell from a ladder on May 6, and broke both of the bones in her lower leg (one of the bones protruded from the skin and was dug into the ground) and shattered her ankle to smithereens (the surgeon literally said to her when she awoke from surgery, "well, the good news is you still have your foot"--apparently there were so many pieces of ankle, he was not sure he would be able to put them back together).
Since then she has of course not been able to put any weight at all on her foot. She has been being treated with some sort of ultra-sound machine and now walks with a "wheelchair" for her leg.
Last month her surgeon told her that he was not impressed with the bone growth in the leg and that he was recommending another surgery to do bone grafting. She asked for a second opinion.
This is what I got from her this morning:
The guy I saw a Togus has spent the last 13 years at Bethesda and is considered on of the best if not the best foot and ankle guy in Maine. Yesterday he looked at the x-rays I had brought and had some great insight on the latest techniques on grafts and was all pumped up to do the work. 1st he needed new x-rays. It went all downhill from there. Not only had the bone not grown, but in the month since the last x-ray the bone has receded considerably, he thinks perhaps there is a low grade infection in the bone that is eating away at the bone. He told me that no one here in Maine can do the work that needs to be done. 1st I have to have a plethora of test to determine bone activity, infection, blah, blah. At that point I will be taking all my result to the VA foot/ankle guru in Boston. This is the part where I'm not sure I get the details: he believes the only hope of saving my foot will be to join the good part of the fibula, (which hasn't healed either) to the tibia. I'm told it will be ugly as hell but it will work. Again, the doc in Boston will have his own opinion. My concern is the amount of time that is ticking by as we determine if there is an infection or not. As I understand it, treating a bone infection is not simply and takes several weeks.
On top of all this there are a multitude of problems in her home w/ her husband and her daughter that I will not get into.
All of this--and today is her birthday.
She ended with: Prayer, positive energy, good health, support, and skilled doctors is what it is going to take if I am ever to walk again.
Folks... give her all you've got please. Whether or not positive vibes and energy actually work is a matter for the philosophers, but I'll tell you what--that stuff CAN'T HURT.