SPOILER (for those who don't have cable):
Nancy's 12-year-old son is doing debate against his middle-school crush. The announcer says that they are going to discuss the Electoral college vs. the Popular vote in Presidential elections. Nancy's kid is handling the argument in favor of the Popular vote.
He rises and says, "Ladies and gentlemen....George W. Bush. Thank you." And SITS DOWN! (To a standing ovation from the room.)
His opponnent/crush, frothing with rage, shouts, "He can't do that! He can't just say the name of the worst president in history and use that as his argument! I forfeit!" She storms off.
What's really funny is, she doesn't argue with him--she argues that HIS argument can't be refuted when discussing Bush, since he's so vile. Someone on that show must haaaaaate the Bushies.
And mad props to the show--the past few weeks have been absolutely brilliant, including the twist involving Mary Louise Parker and Martin Donovan.