When GeeDubya was attending Andover, he got invited to a wild party with lots of booze, drugs and women of low moral character.
The next morning, Bush woke up to find a red ring around his penis.
This can't be good, thought our future installed leader, so he went to the doctor.
The doctor examined his member and prescribed a series of twelve doses of steroids injected into his penis at a cost of $1500.
That's worse, thought Bush, so he went to a second doctor. This one recommended immediate amputation.
That's even worse, so he went to a third doctor. This sawbones looked at Bush's abused pecker for ten seconds, then asked him, "this party you went to last night. Did you receive oral sex from a woman?"
Bush was all grinning. 'Yes I did!'
"And is this the first time you received oral sex from a woman?" Yes it was.
"Then, Mr. Bush, I can cure you for the $10 office call."
'But doctor. Why did the first one want to charge me $1500 for shots in my pecker, and the other want to cut it off?'
"Oh, they were just fuckin' with your head. They knew you were too stupid to realize there's just lipstick on your dick."