So much for the racial thing.
Billy blew everyone away in this Tribal Council pledge of love to Candice. It was all the talk around Aitu’s tribe. JP says “If it’s true, well then…It’s not true. It’s ridiculous.” Over at Puka, Cau Boi is talking and talking and driving everyone crazy. Even if they like him, he’s starting to get on people’s nerves. Brad says” Cao Boi is not all there…unless he’s medicated or something”.
Reward challenge
This happens quick this week and that’s because there are surprises! Everyone walks in and Jeff says “Drop your buffs!”. Huh? “It’s time to integrate!”. Every one is lined up as men and women. Each person reaches into a bag and grabs a stone. The people who have an “X” on their stone are the captains.
The 4 captains are Cecilia, Parvati, Brad, and Jonathon. Jeff tells them that the women must pick women and men pick men. They cannot pick anyone from their old tribe. After each person picks, the person picked for their group must pick the next person, again, not from their tribe.
The picking order goes like this:
Women 1st -> Cecilia - Flika - Sundra - Becky - Candice
Women 2nd -> Parvati - Jenny - Christina - Rebecca - Stephanie
Men 1st -> Brad - JP - Nate - Adam
Men 2nd -> Jonathon - Yul - Ozzy - Cao Boi
Each of the 4 captains now takes an egg from a bag and holds it in front of them. They squeeze it. They are filled with paint, either red or blue. The Red Men join the Red Women and the Blue Men join the Blue Women. I don’t see how this could have been fairer.