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Here it is: Full lyrics to "I Yust Go Nuts at Christmas," Jorgi Jorgenson

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Faygo Kid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 12:20 AM
Original message
Here it is: Full lyrics to "I Yust Go Nuts at Christmas," Jorgi Jorgenson
Or Yorgi Yorgensson, or Yogi Yorgenson - Whatever. A classic for those of Scandinavian descent, and others with an appreciation of, er, great Christmas music. Check it out.
Oh, I yust go nuts at Christmas,
On that yolly holiday,
I値l go in the red, like a knucklehead
Cause I squander all my pay.
Oh, I yust go nuts at Christmas,
Shopping sure drives me berserk,
On the day before, I rush in da store,
Like a nervous nelly yerk.
I look at nightgowns for my vife,
Dose black ones trimmed in red.
But, I won稚 know her size,
And so, she'll get a carpet sweeper instead.
Oh, I yust go nuts at Christmas
Ven each kid hangs up his sock,
Its a time for kids, to flip der lids,
While der papa goes in hock.

(speaking - background music only)
On da night before Christmas.
Its still in the house,
My family is sleeping,
I知 quiet like a mouse.
I look at my vatch, and midnite is near,
I tink I値l sneak out, For a cold glass of beer.
Down at the corner, the crowd is so merry,
I end up by drinking about twelve Tom & Yerry,
I get to bed late, and yee vhise how I知 sleeping,
Ven on to my bed, dose darn kids, day come leaping.
Day sit on my face, and day yump on my belly,
And I知 quivering all over, like a bowl full of yelly,
Day scream Merry Christmas, and my poor vife and me,
Ve stumble down stairs, and she lights off da tree.
My head is exploding, my mouth tastes like a pickle,
I step on a skate, and fall on a tricycle.
Yust befor Christmas dinner, I relax to a point,
Den relatives start svarming, all over da yoint.
On Christmas, I hug and I kiss my vifes mother,
Da rest of da year, ve don稚 speak to each other.
After dinner, my aunt, and my vifes uncle Louie,
Get into a arguement; dere both awful screwy.
Den all of my vifes family, say Louie is right,
And my goofy relations, day yoin in da fight.
Back in da corner, da radio is playing,
And over da racket, Gabriel Heater is saying,
Peace on earth everybody, and good vill toward men
and yust at dat moment, someone slugs uncle Ben.
Dey all run outside vhooping for da neighbors will hear,
Ohhhh, I知 so glad Merry Christmas,
Comes yust once a year.

(back to music)
Oh, I yust go nuts at Christmas,
But I still have lots of fun,
Yust da same as you, I enyoy it too,

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BiggJawn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 12:25 AM
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1. He-He! Thanks! n/t
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kurtyboy Donating Member (968 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 01:49 AM
Response to Original message
2. Made famous by my Hero here in Seattle, Stan Boreson
He also recorded, "Valking in my Vinter Undervear"
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