Hey...Doesn't the "Evil Mickey-Dee" ...
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Wed Dec-24-03 09:10 AM
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Hey...Doesn't the "Evil Mickey-Dee" ... |
Get most their "beef" from Argentina, New Zealand and the Third World?
The only burger joint I recall bragging about American Beef was "Le Chateau Blanc"....
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Wed Dec-24-03 09:31 AM
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1. Yes, but they have a good reason. |
Beef from other parts of the world is leaner. American cows are grain-fed to fatten them up & get them to slaughter quicker. South American (and other) cows are grass-fed, resulting in a leaner meat.
I believe there is an article on www.snopes.com that goes into more detail.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:43 AM
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