Ever since the nation glimpsed him in his flight suit, it has been widely believed that US President George W. Bush had large steel testicles that clanked when he walked. Now, DeadBrain has learned that they are small and hollow. This story was uncovered when local Washington DC resident Robert (Li'l Bobby) Milko was attacked by a 'cougar' in his local tavern.
"She came right at me, all teeth and nails," he related. "Next thing I knew, we were sharing a cigarette back at her place." He soon learned that she was an old friend of Laura Bush, and had a tale to tell.
"I flicked on the TV and we watched Bush parading around on that carrier with his package hanging out. She told me Laura confided to her one day that the President's sack was the size of a bag of airline nuts. Apparently his dick isn't much bigger...the only reason she married him was his money and the fact he can lick his own eyebrows. I was gonna question her more, but she went at me again…God, these Washington wives are insatiable!"
A White House source claims that the impressive bulge was the result of a pair of pink SpongeBob SquarePants socks, stuffed down there by a Presidential aide before Bush suited up. "They have people to do things like that," the source said. "You wouldn't believe what this guy looks like before they prep him. Nose hair alone...2 hours!"
White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan has denied the story and maintains "The President's stones are really, really huge! Really! I've held them!" Condoleezza Rice refused comment, but snickered quietly while leaving the press conference.