but dammit, they're hopeless fundamentalists. My mother works part-time as a phone counselor on the 700 Club, and my brother is a manager for the IT arm of CBN. It's always a stress to go there. We usually just keep religion and politics out of the conversation.
They generally give me at least one religious book that they expect me to read, and which I usually throw away.
A couple of years ago, my daughter played a Spice Girls tape in the car with my brother's kids, and while he didn't say anything at the time, his son greeted us enthusiastically next time with "Uncle Jack, some of your music is good and some of it's BAD!"
My long-time girlfriend, who is not American, wanted us to sleep together at my parents' house, and refused to believe me that they would not go for it. (Personally, I have no problem respecting their beliefs and sleeping separately for a couple of nights.) This was a big issue and caused a couple of serious fights. I finally said "OK, go ahead and ask" and my mother very politely said no, not until we were married.
The worst thing was when my brother's wife accused my girlfriend of making a pass at her because she touched her breast when hugging her goodbye. I mean, she didn't say anything, but just wasn't around the next couple of times. My girlfriend was completely oblivious, and I had no idea what was going on. We finally had to have a showdown, which she started by asking point-blank "Are you a homosexual" and during which she just wouldn't let it drop even after it was established that it was entirely innocent. Li-Ping acted wonderful and gracious, but it left a terrible taste in everyone's mouth.
Dear God, I just have no idea what to expect this time around. It is so much nicer to be surrounded by like-minded people.