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Merry Christmas, Mr. President.

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C_eh_N_eh_D_eh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 12:23 PM
Original message
Merry Christmas, Mr. President.
Let's all give President * and his senior staff a special musical holiday greeting. All together now, everyone...

You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch
You really are a heel,
You're as cuddly as a cactus, you're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch,
You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel!

You're a monster, Mr. Grinch,
Your heart's an empty hole,
Your brain is full of spiders, you have garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch,
I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!

You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch,
You have termites in your smile,
You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch,
Given a choice between the two of you I'd take the seasick crocodile!

You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch,
You're the king of sinful sots,
Your heart's a dead tomato splotched with moldy purple spots, Mr. Grinch,
You're a three decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce!

You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch,
With a nauseous super "naus"!,
You're a crooked dirty jockey and you drive a crooked hoss, Mr. Grinch,
Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of rubbish imaginable mangled up in tangled up knots!

You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch,
You're a nasty wasty skunk,
Your heart is full of unwashed socks, your soul is full of gunk, Mr. Grinch,
The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote,
"Stink, stank, stunk"!

<Apologies to Dr. Seuss, Warner Bros., Boris Karloff, and whoever else might want to sue me.>
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citizen snips Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 12:31 PM
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1. LOL
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7th_Sephiroth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 12:34 PM
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2. my own lyric (explicit)
your an asshole, Mr grinch
your balls have rotted off
no codpiece in the world will ever cover that smell, mr grrrrinch
between your flight suit antics and clintons blowjob
you'll allways loose
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Coventina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 12:41 PM
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3. I'd say his heart is 10 sizes too small.....
Is it even capable of growing?

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CBHagman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 03:05 PM
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4. Great minds with but a single thought!
I have been trying to think up alternative lyrics along the lines of "You're a mean one, Mr. Bush!" Given the demands of the last week, I haven't really put my mind to it.

Still, I'm glad to know that other DUers are thinking along the same line.

And this seems as good a place as any to mention that years ago a button was created with the slogan "The Gingrich who stole Christmas." On it was a Santa Claus-hatted Newt Gingrich, complete with Grinch-style green skin and yellow eyes. These were a BIG hit with my friends and co-workers...
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