:hi:there is something about making a kid just a little happier, or feel a little more wanted and cared for that really gets to me.
Some of those tykes were chemo pt's, and it took a lot out of me after it was over....I'd usually shed a few tears on the way home; but it was all smiles and :hug: while I was with them!!!!Wouldn't change that experience for all the money in the world.
The Bikers were pretty cool too. The first year, the papers and local radio stations made a big deal out of it, because these guys can be scary looking to kids,:scared: (and some others as well). But you had to see these guys and gals in with those kids!. They were some of the nicest people that ever visited the hospital. I saw a 50+yo guy with a grey beard and 100 tattoos stroking the tears away from a 5 yo in pain; he was pretty teary eyed too. He kissed his second finger and put it to the kids head, and said, "I wish I could take your pain away, but all I can give you is love". The nurse in the room burst out crying, and a little later, I had to find a place to shed a tear too.:cry: (BTW: that particular kid survived and was discharged about 3 months later, he'd be about 18 now).:bounce:
Not that I want to wax eloquent on this subject, but I spent a lot of time in the medical field; saw a lot, did a lot. There are some stories I could tell you that would break your heart, like mine was broken; but there are some that gave me they heart I have now, stronger, more willing and larger than ever.