*@##$%!!! I've had it! All you people who don't support Dean...
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Thu Dec-25-03 12:21 AM
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*@##$%!!! I've had it! All you people who don't support Dean... |
...have a Merry Christmas! (Or if you don't celebrate Christmas then have a great day tomorrow!)
Fooled ya didn't I? :P
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Thu Dec-25-03 12:22 AM
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yeah you did fool me. You have a good one too.
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Thu Dec-25-03 12:25 AM
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2. Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to all |
Plus, may Allah's blessings smile on all our Muslim brothers and sisters.
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Thu Dec-25-03 12:28 AM
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3. Happy Holidays to You, Too! |
I was fortunate enough to have been working thru what I heard was the most excoriating threads as far as Dean. Good thing. I would have been Tombstoned right away, since from what I have been told...the arguments that were given were pretty lame. XXXOOO
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Thu Dec-25-03 12:28 AM
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basically on the same page. ABB.
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Thu Dec-25-03 02:16 AM
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to all, and to all a Good Night":toast:
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Thu Dec-25-03 03:31 AM
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6. Dems attitude must be: so many great candidates to choose from.. & |
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Thu Dec-25-03 09:58 AM
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Who's this "Clark?" Are they running for Prom King or something? John Happy holidays to all, even those (especially those) I've been snotty with the last month or so. Hope Santa brought you everything you wanted.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:50 AM
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