"mud duck" wrote:
> i have posted questions in this group and got no replays to any > them.
"Replay?" Isn't that what Media Play calls its special membership cards?
> so i dont know much about music and dont know all the "big" words > you all use in your articles
Here's another "big word" for you: CAPITALIZATION!
> which to me sounds very stupid,
Dude, your writing style doesn't exactly make *you* sound like the epitome of intellect, either!
> you argue about who was best, etc.
Err.... Isn't that the point of a discussion group? To discuss???
> any one with half a brain or less like i have
Wait a minute! Bruce, did you post this under a pseudonym? (Uh oh, that's another big word!)
> why try to rate the artists or songs?
Because it's fun! Besides, whenever I complete a list, I make it into a CD set that I can play in my car.
> think about it. thats alot of b.s.
OK, I thought about it--and I've concluded that what's *really* a lot of B.S. is your fuckin' whining!
> im not commending the group cause ive got much info from it.
"Commending?" I think you meant "condemning," but that's just a hypothesis on my part. (Whoops, another one of those big-ass, intileckshual words!)
> this place seems like a clique.{no offense to jessie belvin}.
Since Jesse Belvin died in 1960, I doubt he's taking offense to much of anything nowadays.
> so if you dont want outsiders to enter, ill keep away.
"Outsiders?" You sang "Time Won't Let Me?"
Now I understand what's wrong! You need to be in the '60s group, that's all.
Geez, all that kvetching for nothing....