:( Had a bit of a family fight on Boxing Day, so that's why I'm home, and here. :( Started off political, and got personal. :( Yes, it will get better but I'm feeling pretty crummy for my Mom's sake(she was caught in the middle)
It was with my Dad and I feel badly about saying some bad things about some family members, and it got to family dynamics(I said some truthful things that my Mom agrees with) that I guess he didn't like, or at least, cannot accept for now. :(
I've got a temper and can accept responsibility for my half of the fight, I dragged innocent people into it, but I really believe that a lot of anger he displayed towards me should have been directed towards some of his family, which is dysfunctional as hell, but always gets treated well by him. :( I feel badly about saying bad things about some people, but I won't feel bad or apologize because I was blunt and truthful about a few issues. :(
Mom says it will blow over, but I take fights to heart and feel badly about them for awhile. I don't go looking for fights. :(
Just venting.